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% Please edit documentation in R/mean_degparms.R
\title{Calculate mean degradation parameters for an mmkin row object}
mean_degparms(object, random = FALSE, test_log_parms = FALSE, conf.level = 0.6)
\item{object}{An mmkin row object containing several fits of the same model to different datasets}

\item{random}{Should a list with fixed and random effects be returned?}

\item{test_log_parms}{If TRUE, log parameters are only considered in
the mean calculations if their untransformed counterparts (most likely
rate constants) pass the t-test for significant difference from zero.}

\item{conf.level}{Possibility to adjust the required confidence level
for parameter that are tested if requested by 'test_log_parms'.}
If random is FALSE (default), a named vector containing mean values
of the fitted degradation model parameters. If random is TRUE, a list with
fixed and random effects, in the format required by the start argument of
nlme for the case of a single grouping variable ds.
Calculate mean degradation parameters for an mmkin row object