% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/mkinds.R \name{mkinds} \alias{mkinds} \title{A dataset class for mkin} \description{ At the moment this dataset class is hardly used in mkin. For example, mkinfit does not take mkinds datasets as argument, but works with dataframes such as the on contained in the data field of mkinds objects. Some datasets provided by this package come as mkinds objects nevertheless. } \examples{ mds <- mkinds$new("FOCUS A", FOCUS_2006_A) print(mds) } \seealso{ The S3 printing method \code{\link{print.mkinds}} } \section{Public fields}{ \if{html}{\out{
}} \describe{ \item{\code{title}}{A full title for the dataset} \item{\code{sampling_times}}{The sampling times} \item{\code{time_unit}}{The time unit} \item{\code{observed}}{Names of the observed variables} \item{\code{unit}}{The unit of the observations} \item{\code{replicates}}{The maximum number of replicates per sampling time} \item{\code{data}}{A data frame with at least the columns name, time and value in order to be compatible with mkinfit} } \if{html}{\out{
}} } \section{Methods}{ \subsection{Public methods}{ \itemize{ \item \href{#method-new}{\code{mkinds$new()}} \item \href{#method-clone}{\code{mkinds$clone()}} } } \if{html}{\out{
}} \if{html}{\out{}} \subsection{Method \code{new()}}{ Create a new mkinds object \subsection{Usage}{ \if{html}{\out{
}}\preformatted{mkinds$new(title = "", data, time_unit = NA, unit = NA)}\if{html}{\out{
}} } \subsection{Arguments}{ \if{html}{\out{
}} \describe{ \item{\code{title}}{The dataset title} \item{\code{data}}{The data} \item{\code{time_unit}}{The time unit} \item{\code{unit}}{The unit of the observations} } \if{html}{\out{
}} } } \if{html}{\out{
}} \if{html}{\out{}} \subsection{Method \code{clone()}}{ The objects of this class are cloneable with this method. \subsection{Usage}{ \if{html}{\out{
}}\preformatted{mkinds$clone(deep = FALSE)}\if{html}{\out{
}} } \subsection{Arguments}{ \if{html}{\out{
}} \describe{ \item{\code{deep}}{Whether to make a deep clone.} } \if{html}{\out{
}} } } }