\docType{class} \name{mkinds} \alias{mkinds} \title{A dataset class for mkin} \format{An \code{\link{R6Class}} generator object.} \usage{ mkinds } \description{ A dataset class for mkin } \section{Fields}{ \describe{ \item{\code{title}}{A full title for the dataset} \item{\code{sampling}}{times The sampling times} \item{\code{time_unit}}{The time unit} \item{\code{observed}}{Names of the observed compounds} \item{\code{unit}}{The unit of the observations} \item{\code{replicates}}{The number of replicates} \item{\code{data}}{A dataframe with at least the columns name, time and value in order to be compatible with mkinfit} }} \examples{ mds <- mkinds$new("FOCUS A", FOCUS_2006_A) } \keyword{datasets}