% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/nafta.R \name{nafta} \alias{nafta} \alias{print.nafta} \title{Evaluate parent kinetics using the NAFTA guidance} \source{ NAFTA (2011) Guidance for evaluating and calculating degradation kinetics in environmental media. NAFTA Technical Working Group on Pesticides \url{https://www.epa.gov/pesticide-science-and-assessing-pesticide-risks/guidance-evaluating-and-calculating-degradation} accessed 2019-02-22 US EPA (2015) Standard Operating Procedure for Using the NAFTA Guidance to Calculate Representative Half-life Values and Characterizing Pesticide Degradation \url{https://www.epa.gov/pesticide-science-and-assessing-pesticide-risks/standard-operating-procedure-using-nafta-guidance} } \usage{ nafta(ds, title = NA, quiet = FALSE, ...) \method{print}{nafta}(x, quiet = TRUE, digits = 3, ...) } \arguments{ \item{ds}{A dataframe that must contain one variable called "time" with the time values specified by the \code{time} argument, one column called "name" with the grouping of the observed values, and finally one column of observed values called "value".} \item{title}{Optional title of the dataset} \item{quiet}{Should the evaluation text be shown?} \item{\dots}{Further arguments passed to \code{\link{mmkin}} (not for the printing method).} \item{x}{An \code{\link{nafta}} object.} \item{digits}{Number of digits to be used for printing parameters and dissipation times.} } \value{ An list of class \code{nafta}. The list element named "mmkin" is the \code{\link{mmkin}} object containing the fits of the three models. The list element named "title" contains the title of the dataset used. The list element "data" contains the dataset used in the fits. } \description{ The function fits the SFO, IORE and DFOP models using \code{\link{mmkin}} and returns an object of class \code{nafta} that has methods for printing and plotting. Print nafta objects. The results for the three models are printed in the order of increasing model complexity, i.e. SFO, then IORE, and finally DFOP. } \examples{ nafta_evaluation <- nafta(NAFTA_SOP_Appendix_D, cores = 1) print(nafta_evaluation) plot(nafta_evaluation) } \author{ Johannes Ranke }