\name{plot.mmkin} \alias{plot.mmkin} \title{ Plot model fits (observed and fitted) and the residuals for a row or column of an mmkin object. } \description{ When x is a row selected from an mmkin object (\code{\link{[.mmkin}}), the same model fitted for at least one dataset is shown. When it is a column, the fit of at least one model to the same dataset is shown. } \usage{ \method{plot}{mmkin}(x, main = "auto", legends = 1, errmin_var = "All data", errmin_digits = 2, cex = 0.7, rel.height.middle = 0.9, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ An object of class \{code{\link{mmkin}}, with either one row or one column. } \item{main}{ The main title placed on the outer margin of the plot. } \item{legends}{ An index for the fits for which legends should be shown. } \item{errmin_var}{ The variable for which the FOCUS chi2 error value should be shown. } \item{errmin_digits}{ The number of digits for rounding the FOCUS chi2 error percentage. } \item{cex}{ Passed to the plot functions and \code{\link{mtext}}. } \item{rel.height.middle}{ The relative height of the middle plot. } \item{\dots}{ Further arguments passed to \code{\link{plot.mkinfit}} and \code{\link{mkinresplot}}. } } \value{ The function is called for its side effect. } \author{ Johannes Ranke } \examples{ fits <- mmkin(c("SFO", "FOMC"), list("FOCUS B" = FOCUS_2006_B, "FOCUS C" = FOCUS_2006_C)) plot(fits[, "FOCUS C"]) }