% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/nafta.R \name{plot.nafta} \alias{plot.nafta} \title{Plot the results of the three models used in the NAFTA scheme.} \usage{ \method{plot}{nafta}(x, legend = FALSE, main = "auto", ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{An object of class \code{\link{nafta}}.} \item{legend}{Should a legend be added?} \item{main}{Possibility to override the main title of the plot.} \item{\dots}{Further arguments passed to \code{\link{plot.mmkin}}.} } \value{ The function is called for its side effect. } \description{ The plots are ordered with increasing complexity of the model in this function (SFO, then IORE, then DFOP). } \details{ Calls \code{\link{plot.mmkin}}. } \author{ Johannes Ranke }