% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/summary_listing.R \name{summary_listing} \alias{summary_listing} \alias{tex_listing} \alias{html_listing} \title{Display the output of a summary function according to the output format} \usage{ summary_listing(object, caption = NULL, label = NULL, clearpage = TRUE) tex_listing(object, caption = NULL, label = NULL, clearpage = TRUE) html_listing(object, caption = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{object}{The object for which the summary is to be listed} \item{caption}{An optional caption} \item{label}{An optional label, ignored in html output} \item{clearpage}{Should a new page be started after the listing? Ignored in html output} } \description{ This function is intended for use in a R markdown code chunk with the chunk option \code{results = "asis"}. }