% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/tffm0.R \name{tffm0} \alias{tffm0} \alias{invtffm0} \title{Transform formation fractions as in the first published mkin version} \usage{ tffm0(ff) invtffm0(ff_trans) } \arguments{ \item{ff}{Vector of untransformed formation fractions. The sum must be smaller or equal to one} \item{ff_trans}{Vector of transformed formation fractions that can be restricted to the interval from 0 to 1} } \value{ A vector of the transformed formation fractions A vector of backtransformed formation fractions for natural use in degradation models } \description{ This transformation was used originally in mkin, in order to implement a constraint for the sum of formation fractions to be smaller than 1. It was later replaced by the \link{ilr} transformation because the ilr transformed fractions can assumed to follow normal distribution. As the ilr transformation is not available in \link{RxODE} and can therefore not be used in the nlmixr modelling language, the original transformation is currently used for translating mkin models with formation fractions to more than one target compartment for fitting with nlmixr in \link{nlmixr_model}. However, this implementation cannot be used there, as it is not accessible from RxODE. } \details{ If the transformed formation fractions are restricted to the interval between 0 and 1, the sum of backtransformed values is restricted to this interval. } \examples{ ff_example <- c( 0.10983681, 0.09035905, 0.08399383 ) ff_example_trans <- tffm0(ff_example) invtffm0(ff_example_trans) }