# Issue #13 on github water_sed_no_sed_sink <- mkinmod( use_of_ff = "min", water = mkinsub("SFO", "sediment"), sediment = mkinsub("SFO", "water", sink = FALSE)) ws_data <- FOCUS_D levels(ws_data$name) <- c("water", "sediment") test_that("An reversible reaction with the sink turned off in the second compartment works", { # Solution method "analytical" was previously available, but erroneous expect_error( ws_fit_no_sed_sink <- mkinfit(water_sed_no_sed_sink, ws_data, quiet = TRUE, solution_type = "analytical"), "Analytical solution not implemented") ws_fit_no_sed_sink_default <- mkinfit(water_sed_no_sed_sink, ws_data, quiet = TRUE) expect_equal(ws_fit_no_sed_sink_default$solution_type, "deSolve") })