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+ <h1>Read TOXSWA surface water concentrations</h1>
+ </div>
+ <p>Read TOXSWA hourly concentrations of a chemical substance in a specific
+segment of a TOXSWA surface water body. Per default, the data for the last
+segment are imported. As TOXSWA 4 reports the values at the end of the hour
+(ConLiqWatLayCur) in its summary file, we use this value as well instead
+of the hourly averages (ConLiqWatLay).</p>
+ <pre><span class='fu'>read.TOXSWA_cwa</span>(<span class='no'>filename</span>, <span class='kw'>basedir</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='st'>"."</span>, <span class='kw'>zipfile</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='kw'>NULL</span>, <span class='kw'>segment</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='st'>"last"</span>,
+ <span class='kw'>substance</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='st'>"parent"</span>, <span class='kw'>total</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='fl'>FALSE</span>, <span class='kw'>windows</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='kw'>NULL</span>,
+ <span class='kw'>thresholds</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='kw'>NULL</span>)</pre>
+ <h2 class="hasAnchor" id="arguments"><a class="anchor" href="#arguments"></a> Arguments</h2>
+ <dl class="dl-horizontal">
+ <dt>filename</dt>
+ <dd>The filename of the cwa file (TOXSWA 2.x.y or similar) or the
+out file (FOCUS TOXSWA 4, i.e. TOXSWA 4.4.2 or similar).</dd>
+ <dt>basedir</dt>
+ <dd>The path to the directory where the cwa file resides.</dd>
+ <dt>zipfile</dt>
+ <dd>Optional path to a zip file containing the cwa file.</dd>
+ <dt>segment</dt>
+ <dd>The segment for which the data should be read. Either &quot;last&quot;, or
+the segment number.</dd>
+ <dt>substance</dt>
+ <dd>For TOXSWA 4 .out files, the default value &quot;parent&quot; leads
+to reading concentrations of the parent compound. Alternatively, the substance
+of interested can be selected by its code name.</dd>
+ <dt>total</dt>
+ <dd>Set this to TRUE in order to read total concentrations as well. This is
+only necessary for .out files as generated by TOXSWA 4.4.2 or similar, not for .cwa
+files. For .cwa files, the total concentration is always read as well.</dd>
+ <dt>windows</dt>
+ <dd>Numeric vector of width of moving windows in days, for calculating
+maximum time weighted average concentrations and areas under the curve.</dd>
+ <dt>thresholds</dt>
+ <dd>Numeric vector of threshold concentrations in µg/L for
+generating event statistics.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <h2 class="hasAnchor" id="value"><a class="anchor" href="#value"></a>Value</h2>
+ <p>An instance of an R6 object of class
+<code><a href='TOXSWA_cwa.html'>TOXSWA_cwa</a></code>.</p>
+ <h2 class="hasAnchor" id="examples"><a class="anchor" href="#examples"></a>Examples</h2>
+ <pre class="examples"><div class='input'><span class='no'>H_sw_D4_pond</span> <span class='kw'>&lt;-</span> <span class='fu'>read.TOXSWA_cwa</span>(<span class='st'>"00001p_pa.cwa"</span>,
+ <span class='kw'>basedir</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='st'>"SwashProjects/project_H_sw/TOXSWA"</span>,
+ <span class='kw'>zipfile</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='fu'>system.file</span>(<span class='st'>"testdata/"</span>,
+ <span class='kw'>package</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='st'>"pfm"</span>))</div></pre>
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+ <h2>Contents</h2>
+ <ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked">
+ <li><a href="#arguments">Arguments</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#value">Value</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#examples">Examples</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <h2>Author</h2>
+Johannes Ranke
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