path: root/NAMESPACE
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2022-11-11Remove Remotes: field from DESCRIPTIONJohannes Ranke1-0/+1
It causes trouble with remotes::install_deps() on travis, see the various previous build logs.
2020-07-23Update docs, use R6 support of roxygenJohannes Ranke1-1/+0
2020-06-17TSCF estimation equations, update docsJohannes Ranke1-0/+1
Briggs et al. (1982) and Dettenmaier et al. (2009)
2019-10-15Residue processing for depth profiles over timeJohannes Ranke1-2/+2
2019-10-09Function to set non-detects in residue seriesJohannes Ranke1-0/+2
2019-02-19Add German drainage calculations using Exposit 3.02Johannes Ranke1-0/+1
2019-01-31Separate out PELMO utilities into rPELMOJohannes Ranke1-10/+1
2018-09-22Add test and update docsJohannes Ranke1-0/+1
2018-06-08Add actual/twa calcs for FOMC, typoJohannes Ranke1-0/+1
2018-01-29Documentation fixes and updatesJohannes Ranke1-2/+3
2017-10-27Exposit runoff calculations for surface waterJohannes Ranke1-0/+3
2017-05-16Finish the Step 1 calculator including testsJohannes Ranke1-0/+3
Some cleaning up. PELMO facilities do not currently work at my end, as I have no working wine installation on this computer
2017-01-29Setting up PELMO runs, execution and evaluationJohannes Ranke1-0/+2
It all works!
2017-01-27Set up FOCUS PELMO runs and run them in parallelJohannes Ranke1-0/+9
- This works on Linux using wine - PELMO runs (including pelmo.inp files) are correctly generated - The PLM files for FOCUS Pesticide_D in the test data archive are correctly reproduced - The data files (including FOCUS groundwater scenario data) are now created and documented in R files
2017-01-19Move mkin::twa to pfm::max_twa.mkinfitJohannes Ranke1-0/+3
- Add max_twa.mkinfit() recently introduced to mkin as mkin::twa() but never released with it - Add a test to check max_twa.one_box() against analytical solutions in max_twa.mkinfit(). - Clean up R CMD check - Update docs
2017-01-19Predict parent decline without fitting for non-SFO modelsJohannes Ranke1-0/+1
2017-01-18One box time series and twa valuesJohannes Ranke1-0/+15
- one_box() creates decline time series from mkinfit objects or simply from a half-life - sawtooth() generates sawtooth curves for arbitrary application patterns and decline models - twa() calculates moving window averages - max_twa() gives their maxima and - plot.one_box() can plot series generated by one_box() or sawtooth(), optionally adding a greay rectangle to illustrate the maximum moving window time weighted average
2016-09-27Reorganise repository using standard package layoutJohannes Ranke1-0/+28

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