PKGNAME := $(shell sed -n "s/Package: *\([^ ]*\)/\1/p" DESCRIPTION) PKGVERS := $(shell sed -n "s/Version: *\([^ ]*\)/\1/p" DESCRIPTION) TGZ := $(PKGNAME)_$(PKGVERS).tar.gz WINBIN := $(PKGNAME)_$(PKGVERS).zip RBIN ?= $(shell dirname "`which R`") .PHONEY: check pkgfiles = \ .Rbuildignore \ DESCRIPTION \ data/* \ GNUmakefile \ inst/data_generation/* \ inst/testdata/* \ R/* \ tests/testthat.R \ tests/testthat/* all: build roxy: Rscript -e "roxygen2::roxygenize(roclets = c('rd', 'collate', 'namespace'))" $(TGZ): $(pkgfiles) "$(RBIN)/R" CMD build . 2>&1 | tee log/build.log build: roxy $(TGZ) install: build "$(RBIN)/R" CMD INSTALL $(TGZ) $(WINBIN): build @echo "Building windows binary package..." "$(RBIN)/R" CMD INSTALL $(TGZ) --build @echo "DONE." winbin: $(WINBIN) check: roxy build _R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_REMOTE_=false "$(RBIN)/R" CMD check --as-cran --no-tests $(TGZ) 2>&1 | tee log/check.log test: install "$(RBIN)/Rscript" -e 'options(cli.dynamic = TRUE); devtools::test()' 2>&1 | tee log/test.log sed -i -e "s/.*\r.*\r//" log/test.log drat: build "$(R_HOME)/bin/Rscript" -e "drat::insertPackage('$(TGZ)', commit = TRUE)" dratwin: winbin "$(R_HOME)/bin/Rscript" -e "drat::insertPackage('$(WINBIN)', '~/git/drat/', commit = TRUE)" winbuilder: build date @echo "Uploading to R-release on win-builder" curl -T $(TGZ) @echo "Uploading to R-devel on win-builder" curl -T $(TGZ) pd: roxy Rscript -e 'pkgdown::build_site(lazy = TRUE, run_dont_run = TRUE)' pd_all: roxy Rscript -e 'pkgdown::build_site(lazy = FALSE, run_dont_run = TRUE)'