#' Estimation of the transpiration stream concentration factor #' #' The FOCUS groundwater guidance (FOCUS 2014, p. 41) states that a reliable measured #' log Kow for neutral pH must be available in order to apply the Briggs #' equation. It is not clarified when it can be regarded reliable, but the #' equation is stated to be produced for non-ionic compounds, suggesting that #' the compound should not be ionogenic (weak acid/base) #' or ionic. #' #' The Dettenmaier equation is given to show that other views on the subject exist. #' @references FOCUS (2014) Generic Guidance for Tier 1 FOCUS Ground Water Assessments. #' Version 2.2, May 2014 #' Dettenmaier EM, Doucette WJ and Bugbee B (2009) Chemical hydrophobicity and uptake #' by plant roots. Environ. Sci. Technol 43, 324 - 329 #' @param log_Kow The decadic logarithm of the octanol-water partition constant #' @param method Short name of the estimation method. #' @export #' @examples #' plot(TSCF, -1, 5, xlab = "log Kow", ylab = "TSCF", ylim = c(0, 1.1)) #' TSCF_2 <- function(x) TSCF(x, method = "dettenmaier09") #' curve(TSCF_2, -1, 5, add = TRUE, lty = 2) #' legend("topright", lty = 1:2, bty = "n", #' legend = c("Briggs et al. (1982)", "Dettenmaier et al. (2009)")) TSCF <- function(log_Kow, method = c("briggs82", "dettenmaier09")) { method <- match.arg(method) TSCF <- switch(method, briggs82 = 0.784 * exp(- (log_Kow - 1.78)^2 / 2.44), dettenmaier09 = 11 /( 11 + 2.6^log_Kow) ) return(TSCF) }