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This is a basic, vectorised form of a simple calculation of a contaminant concentration in surface water based on complete, instantaneous mixing with input via spray drift.


  applications = 1,
  water_depth = as_units("30 cm"),
  drift_percentages = NULL,
  drift_data = c("JKI", "RF"),
  crop_group_JKI = c("Ackerbau", "Obstbau frueh", "Obstbau spaet", "Weinbau frueh",
    "Weinbau spaet", "Hopfenbau", "Flaechenkulturen > 900 l/ha", "Gleisanlagen"),
  crop_group_focus = c("arable", "hops", "vines, late", "vines, early", "fruit, late",
    "fruit, early", "aerial"),
  distances = c(1, 5, 10, 20),
  formula = c("Rautmann", "FOCUS"),
  water_width = as_units("100 cm"),
  side_angle = 90,
  rate_units = "g/ha",
  PEC_units = "µg/L"



Application rate in units specified below, or with units defined via the units package.


Number of applications for selection of drift percentile


Depth of the water body in cm


Percentage drift values for which to calculate PECsw. Overrides 'drift_data' and 'distances' if not NULL.


Source of drift percentage data. If 'JKI', the drift_data_JKI included in the package is used. If 'RF', the Rautmann drift data are calculated either in the original form or integrated over the width of the water body, depending on the 'formula' argument.


When using the 'JKI' drift data, one of the German names as used in drift_parameters_focus.


One of the crop groups as used in drift_parameters_focus


The distances in m for which to get PEC values


By default, the original Rautmann formula is used. If you specify "FOCUS", mean drift input over the width of the water body is calculated as described in Chapter 5.4.5 of the FOCUS surface water guidance


Width of the water body in cm


The angle of the side of the water relative to the bottom which is assumed to be horizontal, in degrees. The SYNOPS model assumes 45 degrees here.


Defaults to g/ha. For backwards compatibility, only used if the specified rate does not have units::units].


Requested units for the calculated PEC. Only µg/L currently supported


The predicted concentration in surface water


It is recommened to specify the arguments rate, water_depth and water_width using units::units from the units package.


Johannes Ranke


#> Units: [µg/L]
#>        1 m        5 m       10 m       20 m 
#> 0.92333333 0.19000000 0.09666667 0.05000000 
# Alternatively, we can use the formula for a single application to
# "Ackerbau" from the paper
PEC_sw_drift(100, drift_data = "RF")
#> Units: [µg/L]
#>        1 m        5 m       10 m       20 m 
#> 0.91976667 0.19064473 0.09680051 0.04915079 

# This makes it possible to also use different distances
PEC_sw_drift(100, distances = c(1, 3, 5, 6, 10, 20, 50, 100), drift_data = "RF")
#> Units: [µg/L]
#>        1 m        3 m        5 m        6 m       10 m       20 m       50 m 
#> 0.91976667 0.31415827 0.19064473 0.15951494 0.09680051 0.04915079 0.02006434 
#>      100 m 
#> 0.01018774 

# or consider aerial application
PEC_sw_drift(100, distances = c(1, 3, 5, 6, 10, 20, 50, 100), drift_data = "RF", 
  crop_group_focus = "aerial")
#> Units: [µg/L]
#>        1 m        3 m        5 m        6 m       10 m       20 m       50 m 
#> 16.8233333 11.0585820  9.0986174  8.4866460  6.9825178  4.7004640  1.8820816 
#>      100 m 
#>  0.9417586 

# Using custom drift percentages is also supported
PEC_sw_drift(100, drift_percentages = c(2.77, 0.95, 0.57, 0.48, 0.29, 0.15, 0.06, 0.03))
#> Units: [µg/L]
#>     2.77 %     0.95 %     0.57 %     0.48 %     0.29 %     0.15 %     0.06 % 
#> 0.92333333 0.31666667 0.19000000 0.16000000 0.09666667 0.05000000 0.02000000 
#>     0.03 % 
#> 0.01000000 

# The influence of assuming a 45° angle of the sides of the waterbody and the width of the 
# waterbody can be illustrated
#> Units: [µg/L]
#>        1 m        5 m       10 m       20 m 
#> 0.92333333 0.19000000 0.09666667 0.05000000 
PEC_sw_drift(100, drift_data = "RF")
#> Units: [µg/L]
#>        1 m        5 m       10 m       20 m 
#> 0.91976667 0.19064473 0.09680051 0.04915079 
PEC_sw_drift(100, drift_data = "RF", formula = "FOCUS")
#> Units: [µg/L]
#>        1 m        5 m       10 m       20 m 
#> 0.64246407 0.17414541 0.09235842 0.04798749 
PEC_sw_drift(100, drift_data = "RF", formula = "FOCUS", side_angle = 45)
#> Units: [µg/L]
#>        1 m        5 m       10 m       20 m 
#> 0.91780582 0.24877916 0.13194060 0.06855356 
PEC_sw_drift(100, drift_data = "RF", formula = "FOCUS", side_angle = 45, water_width = 200)
#> Units: [µg/L]
#>        1 m        5 m       10 m       20 m 
#> 0.60169999 0.18937304 0.10402698 0.05517095