Calculate PEC surface water due to drainage as in Exposit 3
This is a reimplementation of the calculation described in the Exposit 3.02 spreadsheet file, in the worksheet "Konzept Drainage". Although there are four groups of compounds ("Gefährdungsgruppen"), only one distinction is made in the calculations, between compounds with low mobility (group 1) and compounds with modest to high mobility (groups 2, 3 and 4). In this implementation, the group is derived only from the Koc, if not given explicitly. For details, see the discussion of the function arguments below.
Excel 3.02 spreadsheet available from
Excel 3.02 spreadsheet available from
>>>>>>> refs/remotes/origin/main- rate
The application rate in g/ha
- interception
The fraction intercepted by the crop
- Koc
The sorption coefficient to soil organic carbon used to determine the mobility. A trigger value of 550 L/kg is used in order to decide if Koc >> 500.
<<<<<<< HEAD
- mobility
Overrides what is determined from the Koc.
- DT50
The soil half-life in days
- t_drainage
The time between application and the drainage event, where degradation occurs, in days
- V_ditch
The volume of the ditch is assumed to be 1 m * 100 m * 30 cm = 30 m3
- V_drainage
The drainage volume, equivalent to 1 mm precipitation on 1 ha for spring/summer or 10 mm for autumn/winter/early spring.
- dilution
The dilution factor
A list containing the following components
- perc_runoff
The runoff percentages for dissolved and bound substance
- runoff
A matrix containing dissolved and bound input for the different distances
- PEC_sw_runoff
A matrix containing PEC values for dissolved and bound substance for the different distances. If the rate was given in g/ha, the PECsw are in microg/L.
See also
for runoff loss percentages and perc_runoff_reduction_exposit
for runoff reduction percentages used
=======Overrides what is determined from the Koc.
The soil half-life in days
The time between application and the drainage event, where degradation occurs, in days
The volume of the ditch is assumed to be 1 m * 100 m * 30 cm = 30 m3
The drainage volume, equivalent to 1 mm precipitation on 1 ha for spring/summer or 10 mm for autumn/winter/early spring.
The dilution factor
A list containing the following components
- perc_runoff
The runoff percentages for dissolved and bound substance
- runoff
A matrix containing dissolved and bound input for the different distances
- PEC_sw_runoff
A matrix containing PEC values for dissolved and bound substance for the different distances. If the rate was given in g/ha, the PECsw are in microg/L.
See also
for runoff loss percentages and perc_runoff_reduction_exposit
for runoff reduction percentages used