Calculate predicted environmental concentrations in sediment from surface water concentrations
The method 'percentage' is equivalent to what is used in the CRD spreadsheet PEC calculator
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>>>>>>> refs/remotes/origin/mainPEC_sw_sed(
percentage = 100,
method = "percentage",
sediment_depth = 5,
water_depth = 30,
sediment_density = 1.3,
PEC_sed_units = c("µg/kg", "mg/kg")
>>>>>>> refs/remotes/origin/main- PEC_sw
Numeric vector or matrix of surface water concentrations in µg/L for which the corresponding sediment concentration is to be estimated
- percentage
The percentage in sediment, used for the percentage method
- method
The method used for the calculation
- sediment_depth
Depth of the sediment layer
- water_depth
Depth of the water body in cm
- sediment_density
The density of the sediment in L/kg (equivalent to g/cm3)
- PEC_sed_units
The units of the estimated sediment PEC value
======= <<<<<<< HEADExamples
>>>>>>> refs/remotes/origin/mainPEC_sw_sed(PEC_sw_drift(100, distances = 1), percentage = 50)
#> 1 m
#> 2.130769