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The parameters were extracted from Appendix B to the FOCUS surface water guidance using the R code given in the file data_generation/drift_parameters_focus.R installed with this package. The appendix itself is not included in the package, as its licence is not clear.




A tibble::tibble.


FOCUS (2014) Generic guidance for Surface Water Scenarios (version 1.4). FOrum for the Co-ordination of pesticde fate models and their USe.

FOCUS (2001) FOCUS Surface Water Scenarios in the EU Evaluation Process under 91/414/EEC. Report of the FOCUS Working Group on Surface Water Scenarios, EC Document Reference SANCO/4802/2001-rev.2. 245, Appendix B.

Rautmann, D., Streloke, M and Winkler, R (2001) New basic drift values in the authorization procedure for plant protection products Mitt. Biol. Bundesanst. Land- Forstwirtsch. 383, 133-141


#> # A tibble: 49 × 8
#>    crop_group n_apps percentile     A      B     C     D hinge
#>    <chr>       <int>      <int> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 arable          1         90  2.76 -0.978   NA  NA     NA  
#>  2 arable          2         82  2.44 -1.01    NA  NA     NA  
#>  3 arable          3         77  2.02 -0.996   NA  NA     NA  
#>  4 arable          4         74  1.86 -0.986   NA  NA     NA  
#>  5 arable          5         72  1.79 -0.994   NA  NA     NA  
#>  6 arable          6         70  1.63 -0.986   NA  NA     NA  
#>  7 arable          7         69  1.58 -0.981   NA  NA     NA  
#>  8 arable          8         67  1.51 -0.983   NA  NA     NA  
#>  9 hops            1         90 58.2  -1.00  8655. -2.84  15.3
#> 10 hops            2         82 66.2  -1.20  5555. -2.82  15.3
#> # ℹ 39 more rows