General utility functions

Functions that are independent of specific fate modelling areas

Calculate the geometric mean

Create a time series of decline data

Plot time series of decline data

Create decline time series for multiple applications

Calculate a time weighted average concentration

The maximum time weighted average concentration for a moving window

Predicted environmental concentrations in soil

Calculate predicted environmental concentrations in soil

Properties of the predefined scenarios from the EFSA guidance from 2015

Predicted environmental concentrations in surface water

Calculate predicted environmental concentrations in surface water due to drift

Deposition from spray drift expressed as percent of the applied dose as

Calculate initial predicted environmental concentrations in surface water due to drainage using the UK method

R6 class for holding TOXSWA cwa concentration data and associated statistics

Read TOXSWA surface water concentrations

Plot TOXSWA surface water concentrations

Classifications and indicators

Evaluating environmental fate properties

Determine the SSLRC mobility classification for a chemical substance from its Koc

Groundwater ubiquity score based on Gustafson (1989)