library(here) library(docxtractr) library(dplyr) # The file FOCUS_SWS_APPENDIX_B.doc was downloaded # from # using URL # It was then opened in Microsoft Word (Microsoft Office LTSC Professional Plus 2021) # and saved as a .docx file in inst/extdata docx <- read_docx(here("inst/extdata/FOCUS_SWS_APPENDIX_B.docx")) table_1 <- docx_extract_tbl(docx, 1) table_2 <- docx_extract_tbl(docx, 2) combined <- rbind(table_1[-1, ], table_2[-1, ]) names(combined) <- c("crop_group", "n_apps", "percentile", "A", "B", "C", "D", "hinge") combined$crop_group = c( rep( c("arable", "hops", "vines, late", "vines, early", "fruit, late", "fruit, early"), each = 8), "aerial") drift_parameters_focus <- combined |> mutate(across(2:3, as.integer)) |> mutate(across(4:8, as.numeric)) save(drift_parameters_focus, file = here("data/drift_parameters_focus.RData"))