% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/PEC_soil.R \name{PEC_soil_mets} \alias{PEC_soil_mets} \title{Calculate initial and accumulation PEC soil for a set of metabolites} \usage{ PEC_soil_mets(rate, mw_parent, mets, interval = 365, ...) } \arguments{ \item{rate}{Application rate in units specified below} \item{mw_parent}{The molecular weight of the parent compound} \item{mets}{A dataframe with metabolite identifiers as rownames and columns "mw", "occ" and "DT50" holding their molecular weight, maximum occurrence in soil and their soil DT50} \item{interval}{The interval for accumulation calculations} \item{...}{Further arguments are passed to PEC_soil} } \description{ Calculate initial and accumulation PEC soil for a set of metabolites }