% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/TOXSWA_cwa.R \name{TOXSWA_cwa} \alias{TOXSWA_cwa} \title{R6 class for holding TOXSWA water concentration data and associated statistics} \format{ An \code{\link{R6Class}} generator object. } \description{ An R6 class for holding TOXSWA water concentration (cwa) data and some associated statistics. like maximum moving window average concentrations, and dataframes holding the events exceeding specified thresholds. Usually, an instance of this class will be generated by \code{\link{read.TOXSWA_cwa}}. } \examples{ H_sw_R1_stream <- read.TOXSWA_cwa("00003s_pa.cwa", basedir = "SwashProjects/project_H_sw/TOXSWA", zipfile = system.file("testdata/SwashProjects.zip", package = "pfm")) H_sw_R1_stream$get_events(c(2, 10)) H_sw_R1_stream$moving_windows(c(7, 21)) print(H_sw_R1_stream) } \keyword{data} \section{Public fields}{ \if{html}{\out{
}} \describe{ \item{\code{filename}}{Length one character vector holding the filename.} \item{\code{basedir}}{Length one character vector holding the directory where the file came from.} \item{\code{zipfile}}{If not null, giving the path to the zip file from which the file was read.} \item{\code{segment}}{Length one integer, specifying for which segment the cwa data were read.} \item{\code{substance}}{The TOXSWA name of the substance.} \item{\code{cwas}}{Dataframe holding the concentrations.} \item{\code{events}}{List of dataframes holding the event statistics for each threshold.} \item{\code{windows}}{Matrix of maximum time weighted average concentrations (TWAC_max) and areas under the curve in µg/day * h (AUC_max_h) or µg/day * d (AUC_max_d) for the requested moving window sizes in days.} } \if{html}{\out{
}} } \section{Methods}{ \subsection{Public methods}{ \itemize{ \item \href{#method-TOXSWA_cwa-new}{\code{TOXSWA_cwa$new()}} \item \href{#method-TOXSWA_cwa-moving_windows}{\code{TOXSWA_cwa$moving_windows()}} \item \href{#method-TOXSWA_cwa-get_events}{\code{TOXSWA_cwa$get_events()}} \item \href{#method-TOXSWA_cwa-print}{\code{TOXSWA_cwa$print()}} \item \href{#method-TOXSWA_cwa-clone}{\code{TOXSWA_cwa$clone()}} } } \if{html}{\out{
}} \if{html}{\out{}} \if{latex}{\out{\hypertarget{method-TOXSWA_cwa-new}{}}} \subsection{Method \code{new()}}{ Create a TOXSWA_cwa object from a file \subsection{Usage}{ \if{html}{\out{
}}\preformatted{TOXSWA_cwa$new( filename, basedir, zipfile = NULL, segment = "last", substance = "parent", total = FALSE )}\if{html}{\out{
}} } \subsection{Arguments}{ \if{html}{\out{
}} \describe{ \item{\code{filename}}{The filename} \item{\code{basedir}}{The directory to look in} \item{\code{zipfile}}{Optional path to a zipfile holding the file} \item{\code{segment}}{Either "last" or the number of the segment for which to read the data} \item{\code{substance}}{The TOXSWA substance name (for TOXSWA 4 or higher)} \item{\code{total}}{Should total concentrations be read in? If FALSE, free concentrations are read} } \if{html}{\out{
}} } } \if{html}{\out{
}} \if{html}{\out{}} \if{latex}{\out{\hypertarget{method-TOXSWA_cwa-moving_windows}{}}} \subsection{Method \code{moving_windows()}}{ Add to the `windows` field described above. \subsection{Usage}{ \if{html}{\out{
}}\preformatted{TOXSWA_cwa$moving_windows(windows, total = FALSE)}\if{html}{\out{
}} } \subsection{Arguments}{ \if{html}{\out{
}} \describe{ \item{\code{windows}}{Window sizes in days} \item{\code{total}}{If TRUE, the total concentration including the amount adsorbed to suspended matter will be used.} } \if{html}{\out{
}} } } \if{html}{\out{
}} \if{html}{\out{}} \if{latex}{\out{\hypertarget{method-TOXSWA_cwa-get_events}{}}} \subsection{Method \code{get_events()}}{ Populate a datataframe with event information for the specified threshold value. The resulting dataframe is stored in the `events` field of the object. \subsection{Usage}{ \if{html}{\out{
}}\preformatted{TOXSWA_cwa$get_events(thresholds, total = FALSE)}\if{html}{\out{
}} } \subsection{Arguments}{ \if{html}{\out{
}} \describe{ \item{\code{thresholds}}{Threshold values in µg/L.} \item{\code{total}}{If TRUE, the total concentration including the amount adsorbed to suspended matter will be used.} } \if{html}{\out{
}} } } \if{html}{\out{
}} \if{html}{\out{}} \if{latex}{\out{\hypertarget{method-TOXSWA_cwa-print}{}}} \subsection{Method \code{print()}}{ Print a `TOXSWA_cwa` object \subsection{Usage}{ \if{html}{\out{
}} } } \if{html}{\out{
}} \if{html}{\out{}} \if{latex}{\out{\hypertarget{method-TOXSWA_cwa-clone}{}}} \subsection{Method \code{clone()}}{ The objects of this class are cloneable with this method. \subsection{Usage}{ \if{html}{\out{
}}\preformatted{TOXSWA_cwa$clone(deep = FALSE)}\if{html}{\out{
}} } \subsection{Arguments}{ \if{html}{\out{
}} \describe{ \item{\code{deep}}{Whether to make a deep clone.} } \if{html}{\out{
}} } } }