* * TOXSWA input file * for TOXSWA model version : TOXSWA 2.1.3.F3 * made by TOXSWA GUI version : TOXSWA GUI 2.6 * * File name : C:\SwashProjects\project_H_sw\toxswa\00003s_pa.txw * Contents : Input for TOXSWA 2.1.3.F3 simulation * Creation : 17-Dec-2014, 12:46 * * Characteristics of run * Run id : 00003s_pa * Substance : Dummy compound H_sw * Crop : Cereals, winter * Water body type : focus_stream * Application method : ground spray * Application rate of first application : 1.0000 kg/ha * Number of applications : 1 * Remarks : * * * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * Section 1: Run characteristics *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * prname = 'project_H_sw' ! Name of project (max 25 pos) locname = 'R1 (Meteo station: Weiher' ! Name of location (max 35 pos) runcom = 'FOCUS Run' ! Comments for run (max 35 pos) op_hyd = 0 ! Hydrology simulation control option met = 'Weiherbach.met' rodr = 'c:\swashprojects\project_h_sw\przm\cereals_winter\00003-c1.p2t' stdate = '01-Oct-1978' ! unit: - endate = '30-Sep-1979' ! unit: - chastdatemet = 'Jan-1975' chaendatemet = 'Dec-1994' deltwb = 600. ! unit: s deltouth = 1 ! unit: h nwbsy = 1 ! unit: - iwbsy = 20 ! unit: - ktop = 12 ! unit: - ntcurve = 1 ! unit: - tcurvedate = '01-Oct-1978-04' ! unit: - op_hyb = 1 ! 00003s_pa.hyb (water balance) op_mfl = 1 ! 00003s_pa.mfl (echo of drainage or runoff entries) op_rc1 = 0 ! 00003s_pa.rc1 (basic information on repr. channel) op_rc2 = 0 ! 00003s_pa.rc2 (additional information on repr. channel) op_cwa = 1 ! 00003s_pa.cwa (concentrations water layer) op_cs1 = 1 ! 00003s_pa.cs1 (concentrations sediment sub-system) op_mwa = 1 ! 00003s_pa.mwa (mass balance water layer) op_mw1 = 0 ! 00003s_pa.mw1 (mass balance segment water layer) op_msa = 1 ! 00003s_pa.msa (mass balance all sediment sub-systems) op_ms1 = 1 ! 00003s_pa.ms1 (mass balance sediment sub-system) op_dba = 1 ! 00003s_pa.dba (distribution substance in total water body) op_db1 = 1 ! 00003s_pa.db1 (distribution substance segment nr wl) op_mob = 1 ! 00003s_pa.mob (monthly water and mass balances) * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * Section 2: Definition of water layer and sediment *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * xdit = 100.00 ! unit: m xfb = 0. ! unit: m xeb = 0. ! unit: m nxnodit = 20 ! unit: - lesedit = 5.00 ! unit: m 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 wibot = 1.00 ! unit: m sisl = 1.0E-05 ! unit: - wdhfl = 0.01 ! unit: m coss = 15. ! unit: g/m3 raomss = 0.09 ! unit: - dwmp = 0. ! unit: g/m^2 castwl = 0.0000 ! unit: g/m^3 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 coair = 0. ! unit: g/m^3 zwb = 0.10000 ! unit: m zebb = 0. ! unit: m nznowb = 14 ! unit: - lesewb = 0.00100 ! unit: m 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00200 0.00200 0.00200 0.00500 0.00500 0.01000 0.01000 0.01000 0.02000 0.03000 bdwb por tor raomwb 800.0 0.60 0.60 0.090 800.0 0.60 0.60 0.090 800.0 0.60 0.60 0.090 800.0 0.60 0.60 0.090 800.0 0.60 0.60 0.090 800.0 0.60 0.60 0.090 800.0 0.60 0.60 0.090 800.0 0.60 0.60 0.090 800.0 0.60 0.60 0.090 800.0 0.60 0.60 0.090 800.0 0.60 0.60 0.090 800.0 0.60 0.60 0.090 800.0 0.60 0.60 0.090 800.0 0.60 0.60 0.090 * unit: kg/m^3 - - - ldis = 0.0150 ! unit: m castwb = 0.0000 ! unit: g/m^3 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * Section 3: Hydrology of water bodies *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * qseif = 0. ! unit: m^3/m^2.d colot = 0. ! unit: g/m^3 op_vafl = 1 ! unit: - op_hd = 0 ! unit: - delthy = 600. ! unit: s wdh = 0.500 ! unit: m op_powc = 1 ! unit: - lerc = 110. ! unit: m botslrc = 0.0010 ! unit: - wibotrc = 1.0 ! unit: m sislrc = 1.0E-05 ! unit: - Qbaserc = 191.800 ! unit: m^3/d arrc = 100. ! unit: ha crestbodyrc = 0.50 ! unit: m wicrestrc = 0.5 ! unit: m kMan1m = 11.0 ! unit: m^(1/3)/s alphaen = 1.2 ! unit: - Qbasewc = 191.800 ! unit: m^3/d arupwc = 100. ! unit: ha leplot = 100. ! unit: m leerwc = 20. ! unit: m * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * Section 4: Pesticide loadings *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * op_ldsd = 1 ! unit: - op_lddr = 0 ! unit: - op_ldro = 1 ! unit: - ntldsd = 1 ! unit: - chatldsd applot mldsd '30-Dec-1899-00' 1000.0 1.716 * unit: - g/ha mg/m^2 stxldsd = 0.00 ! unit: m enxldsd = 100.00 ! unit: m op1_ldro = 2 ! unit: - op_ldrohd = 0 ! unit: - stxldro = 0.00 ! unit: m enxldro = 100. ! unit: m raindr = 0.10 ! unit: - nsewbldro = 7 ! unit: - op_ldupbound = 1 ! unit: - rasuupbound = 0.20 ! unit: - * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * Section 5: Substance properties *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * suname = 'H_sw' mamol = 300.00 ! unit: g/mol psat = 1.000E-07 ! unit: Pa tepsat = 293.15 ! unit: K mepsat = 95000.0 ! unit: J/mol cosol = 1.000E+00 ! unit: g/m^3 tesol = 293.15 ! unit: K mesol = 27000.0 ! unit: J/mol kdmpdit = 0.00000 ! unit: m^3/kg kdomssdit = 0.05800 ! unit: m^3/kg coobkomss = 1.00E-03 ! unit: kg/m^3 exfrss = 1.00 ! unit: - kdomwb1 = 0.05800 ! unit: m^3/kg coobkomwb = 1.00E-03 ! unit: kg/m^3 exfrwb = 1.00 ! unit: - dt50wl = 100.00 ! unit: d tedt50wl = 293.15 ! unit: K aetf = 54000.0 ! unit: J/mol dt50wb = 300.00 ! unit: d tedt50wb = 293.15 ! unit: K kdfw = 43.0 ! unit: mm^2/d * *----END OF FILE---------------------------------------------------------------