% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/endpoint.R \name{soil_DT50} \alias{soil_DT50} \title{Obtain soil DT50} \usage{ soil_DT50(chent, aggregator = geomean, signif = 3, lab_field = "laboratory", value = "DT50ref", redox = "aerobic", raw = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{chent}{The \code{\link{chent}} object to get the information from} \item{aggregator}{The aggregator function. Can be mean, \code{\link{geomean}}, or identity, for example.} \item{signif}{How many significant digits do we want} \item{lab_field}{If not NA, do we want laboratory or field endpoints} \item{value}{The name of the value we want. The list given in the usage section is not exclusive} \item{redox}{If not NA, are we looking for aerobic or anaerobic data} } \description{ Obtain soil DT50 }