% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/endpoint.R \name{soil_N} \alias{soil_N} \title{Obtain soil Freundlich exponent} \usage{ soil_N(chent, aggregator = mean, signif = 3, raw = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{chent}{The \code{\link{chent}} object to get the information from} \item{aggregator}{The aggregator function. Can be mean, \code{\link{geomean}}, or identity, for example.} \item{signif}{How many significant digits do we want} \item{raw}{Should the number(s) be returned as stored in the chent object (could be a character value) to retain original information about precision?} } \description{ In pesticide fate modelling, this exponent is often called 1/n. Here, in order to facilitate dealing with such data in R, it is called N. }