This directory contains my scripts to build backports of R software from Debian sid to older Debian distributions. Currently I am using the following setup: ~/.pbuilderrc contains: NAME="$DIST-$ARCH" APTCACHEHARDLINK=yes DISTRIBUTION="$DIST" DEBOOTSTRAPOPTS=("--arch" "$ARCH" "--keyring=/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg" "${DEBOOTSTRAPOPTS[@]}") BASETGZ="`dirname $BASETGZ`/$NAME-base.tgz" BUILDRESULT="/var/cache/pbuilder/$NAME/result/" APTCACHE="/var/cache/pbuilder/$NAME/aptcache/" MIRRORSITE="" OTHERMIRROR="deb $DIST/updates main|deb http://localhost/r-cran $DIST-cran3/" COMPONENTS="main" This means I have the appropriate aptcache and buildresult directories set up under /var/cache/pbuilder. I have several pbuilder images used for package creation under /var/cache/pbuilder, among others: /var/cache/pbuilder/squeeze-i386-base.tgz With the pbuilderrc mentioned above, this can be created as a normal user with export ARCH=i386 export DIST=squeeze sudo -E pbuilder create Then, using sudo -E pbuilder login --save-after-login these have a standard Debian mirror, the security sources and the Debian backports repository setup in their /etc/apt/sources.list, as well as my local http package source where the r-base package build results are available. I have also imported the apt key of my repository inside the pbuilder chroots. In the wheezy pbuilder images, the backports repository is not necessary. For some reason, the keyring option to debootstrap is not used (necessary on Ubuntu) so I need to pass this on the commandline when building the pbuilder chroot for wheezy-i386. When using these scripts on Debian, I used to configure sudo to allow my normal user to use pbuilder, apt-get and the backporting scripts. Currently, I have set up my wheezy installation using the Ubuntu like sudo configuration that can be selected during installation.