This directory contains my scripts to build backports of R software from Debian sid to older Debian distributions. Currently I am using the following setup: ~/.pbuilderrc contains: NAME="$DIST-$ARCH" APTCACHEHARDLINK=yes DISTRIBUTION="$DIST" DEBOOTSTRAPOPTS=("--arch" "$ARCH" "${DEBOOTSTRAPOPTS[@]}") APTKEYRINGS="/home/jranke/.gnupg/pubring.gpg" BASETGZ="`dirname $BASETGZ`/$NAME-base.tgz" BUILDRESULT="/var/cache/pbuilder/$NAME/result/" APTCACHE="/var/cache/pbuilder/$NAME/aptcache/" MIRRORSITE="" OTHERMIRROR="deb $DIST/updates main|deb $DIST-backports main|deb http://localhost/r-cran $DIST-cran35/" COMPONENTS="main" This means I have the appropriate aptcache and buildresult directories set up under /var/cache/pbuilder. I have several pbuilder images used for package creation under /var/cache/pbuilder, among others: /var/cache/pbuilder/buster-i386-base.tgz With the pbuilderrc mentioned above, this can be created as a normal user with export ARCH=i386 export DIST=buster sudo -E pbuilder create When using these scripts on Debian, I used to configure sudo to allow my normal user to use pbuilder, apt-get and the backporting scripts. Currently, I have set up my Debian installations using the Ubuntu like sudo configuration that I select during the installation. I am building other architectures on different machines (raspi: armxx) or in a local chroot (amd64).