#!/bin/bash # Script to automate "backporting" of packages for Debian if the # only difference to the upstream packages is the signature. # For backporting rkward from the version 0.4.9a currently in testing, I # manually changed /etc/apt/sources list to this source package archive # Author: Johannes Ranke export DEBEMAIL=jranke@uni-bremen.de export DEBFULLNAME="Johannes Ranke" text="Recompiled on etch for CRAN" for i in rkward; do cd $i rm -rf $i* rm *.deb apt-get source $i cd $i-* version=`dpkg-parsechangelog | grep ^Version | cut -f2 -d " "`~etchcran.2.8.0 dch -b -v $version -D etch-cran $text sed -i '/^Build-Depends/s/r-base-dev (.*)/r-base-dev (>= 2.8.0-1~etchcran.0)/' debian/control dch -a "debian/control: adapt build dependencies on r-base-dev to current backport" sed -i '/^#include "Rdevices.h"/d' rkward/rbackend/rembedinternal.cpp dch -a "rkward/rbackend/rembedinternal.cpp: remove inclusion of obsolete Rdevices.h" fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage -sa cd ../.. done