# Author: Johannes Ranke # On Debian I used to run this script as root. On Ubuntu I now run it with # sudo -E sh build_others.sh # Preconditions: - shell variables DIST and ARCH # - CRAN sources in /etc/apt/sources/list # - cdbs installed (and maybe more) echo Distribution is $DIST echo Architecture is $ARCH #apt-get update pbuilder update #for i in nlme; do #for i in cluster foreign kernsmooth lattice mgcv nlme r-cran-class r-cran-spatial r-cran-nnet r-cran-massrmatrix rodbc rpart survival littler; do apt-get source -t $DIST-cran $i cd $i-* pdebuild --debbuildopts '-b' --buildresult /home/ranke/svn/website/www/ranke/r-cran/$DIST-cran/ -- --distribution $DIST --basetgz /var/cache/pbuilder/$DIST-$ARCH-base.tgz --aptcache /var/cache/pbuilder/$DIST-$ARCH/aptcache --buildplace /var/cache/pbuilder/$DIST-$ARCH/build cd .. done