#!/bin/bash # Script to automate building of r-base and for Debian stable # This script should be run as root, in one way or another. # Author: Vincent Goulet # Modified for backporting to Debian stable by # Johannes Ranke export DEBEMAIL="Johannes Ranke " rm -rf r-base* r-base-core* r-mathlib* #apt-get update # needs real root privileges apt-get source -t unstable r-base cd r-base-* # Old version oldversion=`dpkg-parsechangelog | grep ^Version | cut -f2 -d " "` cranversion=$oldversion"~lennycran.0" # Add new version to changelog dch -v "${cranversion}" -D lenny-cran -b "Backport from Debian unstable to Debian lenny" # Reverts for lenny: # # Build package showing all messages and separating output to build and error logs (dpkg-buildpackage -tc | tee ../build_log_r-base_i386) 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | tee ../build_errors_r-base_i386 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi cd .. # Create diff to Debian unstable interdiff -z *.diff.gz > interdiff_to_debian_sid # Sign logs and interdiff for i in interdiff_to_debian_sid build_log_r-base_i386 build_errors_r-base_i386 do gpg --clearsign $i mv $i.asc $i done