path: root/trunk/chemCal/tests/massart97.Rout.save
diff options
authorranke <ranke@5fad18fb-23f0-0310-ab10-e59a3bee62b4>2014-04-24 16:03:41 +0000
committerranke <ranke@5fad18fb-23f0-0310-ab10-e59a3bee62b4>2014-04-24 16:03:41 +0000
commite83723b497d97cfb4e9e3a9803e06c81e7f0b12a (patch)
tree3cde2d89dcba3d6b07ba79b0562d843e1351c7cb /trunk/chemCal/tests/massart97.Rout.save
parent763c3bd1f1c9886bb5747b98c9272d3e26bd514d (diff)
- Added ChangeLog
- Bugfix for lod() for the case of small x values (see ChangeLog) - Version 0.1-32 as just submitted to CRAN - Got rid of trunk directory, as I will not find the time to finish what I started there and it may confuse visitors of viewcvs in kriemhild git-svn-id: http://kriemhild.uft.uni-bremen.de/svn/chemCal@31 5fad18fb-23f0-0310-ab10-e59a3bee62b4
Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/chemCal/tests/massart97.Rout.save')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 123 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/chemCal/tests/massart97.Rout.save b/trunk/chemCal/tests/massart97.Rout.save
deleted file mode 100644
index cb113d0..0000000
--- a/trunk/chemCal/tests/massart97.Rout.save
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-R : Copyright 2006, The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
-Version 2.3.1 (2006-06-01)
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-> require(chemCal)
-Loading required package: chemCal
-[1] TRUE
-> data(massart97ex1)
-> m <- lm(y ~ x, data = massart97ex1)
-> inverse.predict(m, 15) # 6.1 +- 4.9
-[1] 6.09381
-$`Standard Error`
-[1] 1.767278
-[1] 4.906751
-$`Confidence Limits`
-[1] 1.187059 11.000561
-> inverse.predict(m, 90) # 43.9 +- 4.9
-[1] 43.93983
-$`Standard Error`
-[1] 1.767747
-[1] 4.908053
-$`Confidence Limits`
-[1] 39.03178 48.84788
-> inverse.predict(m, rep(90,5)) # 43.9 +- 3.2
-[1] 43.93983
-$`Standard Error`
-[1] 1.141204
-[1] 3.168489
-$`Confidence Limits`
-[1] 40.77134 47.10832
-> data(massart97ex3)
-> attach(massart97ex3)
-> yx <- split(y, x)
-> ybar <- sapply(yx, mean)
-> s <- round(sapply(yx, sd), digits = 2)
-> w <- round(1 / (s^2), digits = 3)
-> weights <- w[factor(x)]
-> m <- lm(y ~ x, w = weights)
-> #calplot(m)
-> inverse.predict(m, 15, ws = 1.67) # 5.9 +- 2.5
-[1] 5.865367
-$`Standard Error`
-[1] 0.892611
-[1] 2.478285
-$`Confidence Limits`
-[1] 3.387082 8.343652
-> inverse.predict(m, 90, ws = 0.145) # 44.1 +- 7.9
-[1] 44.06025
-$`Standard Error`
-[1] 2.829162
-[1] 7.855012
-$`Confidence Limits`
-[1] 36.20523 51.91526
-> m0 <- lm(y ~ x)
-> lod(m0)
-[1] 5.406637
-[1] 13.63822
-> loq(m0)
-[1] 13.97767
-[1] 30.62355
-> loq(m, w.loq = 1.67)
-[1] 7.346231
-[1] 17.90784

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