path: root/CakeSummary.R
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'CakeSummary.R')
1 files changed, 301 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/CakeSummary.R b/CakeSummary.R
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index 0000000..ec42e75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CakeSummary.R
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+# $Id: CakeSummary.R 216 2011-07-05 14:35:03Z nelr $
+# CakeSummary: Functions to calculate statistics used in the summary,
+# and display the summary itself.
+# Parts modified from package mkin
+# Parts Tessella (Rob Nelson/Richard Smith) for Syngenta: Copyright (C) 2011 Syngenta
+# Tessella Project Reference: 6245
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.”
+# Calculate the decay times for a compartment
+# Arguments
+# type - type of compartment
+# obs_var - compartment name
+# parms.all - list of parameters
+CakeDT<-function(type, obs_var, parms.all) {
+ if (type == "SFO") {
+ # Changed to new parameterisation
+ #k_names = grep(paste("k", obs_var, sep="_"), names(parms.all), value=TRUE)
+ k_name = paste("k", obs_var, sep="_")
+ k_tot = parms.all[k_name]
+ DT50 = log(2)/k_tot
+ DT90 = log(10)/k_tot
+ }
+ if (type == "FOMC") {
+ alpha = parms.all["alpha"]
+ beta = parms.all["beta"]
+ DT50 = beta * (2^(1/alpha) - 1)
+ DT90 = beta * (10^(1/alpha) - 1)
+ }
+ if (type == "DFOP") {
+ k1 = parms.all["k1"]
+ k2 = parms.all["k2"]
+ g = parms.all["g"]
+ f <- function(t, x) {
+ fraction <- g * exp( - k1 * t) + (1 - g) * exp( - k2 * t)
+ (fraction - (1 - x/100))^2
+ }
+ DTmax <- 1000
+ DT50.o <- optimize(f, c(0.001, DTmax), x=50)$minimum
+ DT50 = ifelse(DTmax - DT50.o < 0.1, NA, DT50.o)
+ DT90.o <- optimize(f, c(0.001, DTmax), x=90)$minimum
+ DT90 = ifelse(DTmax - DT90.o < 0.1, NA, DT90.o)
+ }
+ if (type == "HS") {
+ k1 = parms.all["k1"]
+ k2 = parms.all["k2"]
+ tb = parms.all["tb"]
+ DTx <- function(x) {
+ DTx.a <- (log(100/(100 - x)))/k1
+ DTx.b <- tb + (log(100/(100 - x)) - k1 * tb)/k2
+ if (DTx.a < tb) DTx <- DTx.a
+ else DTx <- DTx.b
+ return(DTx)
+ }
+ DT50 <- DTx(50)
+ DT90 <- DTx(90)
+ }
+ if (type == "SFORB") {
+ # FOCUS kinetics (2006), p. 60 f
+ k_out_names = grep(paste("k", obs_var, "free", sep="_"), names(parms.all), value=TRUE)
+ k_out_names = setdiff(k_out_names, paste("k", obs_var, "free", "bound", sep="_"))
+ k_1output = sum(parms.all[k_out_names])
+ k_12 = parms.all[paste("k", obs_var, "free", "bound", sep="_")]
+ k_21 = parms.all[paste("k", obs_var, "bound", "free", sep="_")]
+ sqrt_exp = sqrt(1/4 * (k_12 + k_21 + k_1output)^2 + k_12 * k_21 - (k_12 + k_1output) * k_21)
+ b1 = 0.5 * (k_12 + k_21 + k_1output) + sqrt_exp
+ b2 = 0.5 * (k_12 + k_21 + k_1output) - sqrt_exp
+ SFORB_fraction = function(t) {
+ ((k_12 + k_21 - b1)/(b2 - b1)) * exp(-b1 * t) +
+ ((k_12 + k_21 - b2)/(b1 - b2)) * exp(-b2 * t)
+ }
+ f_50 <- function(t) (SFORB_fraction(t) - 0.5)^2
+ max_DT <- 1000
+ DT50.o <- optimize(f_50, c(0.01, max_DT))$minimum
+ if (abs(DT50.o - max_DT) < 0.01) DT50 = NA else DT50 = DT50.o
+ f_90 <- function(t) (SFORB_fraction(t) - 0.1)^2
+ DT90.o <- optimize(f_90, c(0.01, 1000))$minimum
+ if (abs(DT90.o - max_DT) < 0.01) DT90 = NA else DT90 = DT90.o
+ }
+ ret<-c(DT50, DT90)
+ names(ret)<-c("DT50","DT90")
+ ret
+# Compute chi2 etc
+# Arguments
+# observed - data.frame of observed data
+# predicted_long - fitted values etc
+# obs_vars - compartment names
+# parms.optim - list of fitted parameters
+# state,ini.optim - list of fitted initial values
+CakeChi2<-function(observed, predicted_long, obs_vars, parms.optim, state.ini.optim) {
+ # Calculate chi2 error levels according to FOCUS (2006)
+ means <- aggregate(value ~ time + name, data = observed, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
+ errdata <- merge(means, predicted_long, by = c("time", "name"), suffixes = c("_mean", "_pred"))
+ errdata <- errdata[order(errdata$time, errdata$name), ]
+ errmin.overall <- mkinerrmin(errdata, length(parms.optim) + length(state.ini.optim))
+ errmin <- data.frame(err.min = errmin.overall$err.min,
+ n.optim = errmin.overall$n.optim, df = errmin.overall$df)
+ rownames(errmin) <- "All data"
+ for (obs_var in obs_vars)
+ {
+ errdata.var <- subset(errdata, name == obs_var)
+ n.k.optim <- length(grep(paste("k", obs_var, sep="_"), names(parms.optim)))
+ n.initials.optim <- length(grep(paste(obs_var, ".*", "_0", sep=""), names(state.ini.optim)))
+ n.optim <- n.k.optim + n.initials.optim
+ if ("alpha" %in% names(parms.optim)) n.optim <- n.optim + 1
+ if ("beta" %in% names(parms.optim)) n.optim <- n.optim + 1
+ if ("k1" %in% names(parms.optim)) n.optim <- n.optim + 1
+ if ("k2" %in% names(parms.optim)) n.optim <- n.optim + 1
+ if ("g" %in% names(parms.optim)) n.optim <- n.optim + 1
+ if ("tb" %in% names(parms.optim)) n.optim <- n.optim + 1
+ errmin.tmp <- mkinerrmin(errdata.var, n.optim)
+ errmin[obs_var, c("err.min", "n.optim", "df")] <- errmin.tmp
+ }
+ errmin
+# Compute additional statistics (r²/efficiency) of obs v pred for each compartment and the whole problem
+ agg<-aggregate(obsvspred[c('observed', 'err-var', 'predicted', 'residual')], list(name=obsvspred$variable), function(x){x}, simplify=FALSE)
+ frames<-apply(agg, 1,;
+ names(frames)<-agg$name;
+ frames$all<-obsvspred
+ t(sapply(frames, function(frame){
+ # This function takes a data frame for a single variable and makes the stats for it
+ # r²: FOCUS eq 6.5 p. 97
+ # Efficiency: eq 6.6 p. 99
+ do <- frame$observed - mean(frame$observed)
+ dp <- frame$predicted - mean(frame$predicted)
+ r2 <- ( sum(do * dp) / sqrt(sum(do^2) * sum(dp^2)) ) ^ 2
+ eff <- 1 - ( sum((frame$predicted - frame$observed)^2) / sum(do^2) )
+ list(r2=r2, eff=eff)
+ }))
+# Summarise a fit - used for CakeIrlsFit and CakeOlsFit
+summary.CakeFit <- function(object, data = TRUE, distimes = TRUE, ff = TRUE, cov = FALSE,...) {
+ param <- object$par
+ pnames <- names(param)
+ p <- length(param)
+ covar <- try(solve(0.5*object$hessian), silent = TRUE) # unscaled covariance
+ rdf <- object$df.residual
+ resvar <- object$ssr / rdf
+ modVariance <- object$ssr / length(object$residuals)
+ if (!is.numeric(covar)) {
+# message <- "Cannot estimate covariance; system is singular"
+# warning(message)
+# covar <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = p, ncol = p)
+ covar=NULL
+ } else {
+ message <- "ok"
+ rownames(covar) <- colnames(covar) <-pnames
+ se <- sqrt(diag(covar) * resvar)
+ names(se) <- pnames
+ tval <- param / se
+ }
+ if (!all(object$start$lower >=0)) {
+ message <- "Note that the one-sided t-test may not be appropriate if
+ parameter values below zero are possible."
+ warning(message)
+ } else message <- "ok"
+ if(cov && !is.null(covar)) {
+ alpha <- 0.05
+ lci <- param + qt(alpha/2,rdf)*se
+ uci <- param + qt(1-alpha/2,rdf)*se
+ param <- cbind(param, se, tval, pt(tval, rdf, lower.tail = FALSE), lci, uci)
+ dimnames(param) <- list(pnames, c("Estimate", "Std. Error",
+ "t value", "Pr(>t)", "Lower CI", "Upper CI"))
+ ans <- list(residuals = object$residuals,
+ residualVariance = resvar,
+ sigma = sqrt(resvar),
+ modVariance = modVariance,
+ df = c(p, rdf), cov.unscaled = covar,
+ cov.scaled = covar * resvar,
+ info = object$info, niter = object$iterations,
+ stopmess = message,
+ par = param)
+ } else {
+ param <- cbind(param)
+ ans <- list(residuals = object$residuals,
+ residualVariance = resvar,
+ sigma = sqrt(resvar),
+ modVariance = modVariance,
+ df = c(p, rdf),
+ info = object$info, niter = object$iterations,
+ stopmess = message,
+ par = param)
+ }
+ ans$diffs <- object$diffs
+ if(data) {
+ ans$data <- object$data
+ ans$additionalstats = CakeAdditionalStats(object$data)
+ }
+ ans$start <- object$start
+ ans$fixed <- object$fixed
+ ans$errmin <- object$errmin
+ ans$penalties <- object$penalties
+ if(distimes) ans$distimes <- object$distimes
+ if(ff) ans$ff <- object$ff
+ if(length(object$SFORB) != 0) ans$SFORB <- object$SFORB
+ class(ans) <- c("summary.CakeFit","summary.mkinfit", "summary.modFit")
+ return(ans)
+# Print a summary. Used for CakeIrlsFit, CakeOlsFit and CakeMcmcFit
+# Expanded from print.summary.modFit
+print.summary.CakeFit <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...) {
+ cat("\nEquations:\n")
+ print(noquote(as.character(x[["diffs"]])))
+ df <- x$df
+ rdf <- df[2]
+ cat("\nStarting values for optimised parameters:\n")
+ print(x$start)
+ cat("\nFixed parameter values:\n")
+ if(length(x$fixed$value) == 0) cat("None\n")
+ else print(x$fixed)
+ if ( !is.null(x$par) ) {
+ cat("\nOptimised parameters:\n")
+ printCoefmat(x$par, digits = digits, ...)
+ }
+ cat("\nResidual standard error:",
+ format(signif(x$sigma, digits)), "on", rdf, "degrees of freedom\n")
+ cat("\nChi2 error levels in percent:\n")
+ x$errmin$err.min <- 100 * x$errmin$err.min
+ print(x$errmin, digits=digits,...)
+ printdistimes <- !is.null(x$distimes)
+ if(printdistimes){
+ cat("\nEstimated disappearance times:\n")
+ print(x$distimes, digits=digits,...)
+ }
+ printff <- !is.null(x$ff)
+ if(printff){
+ cat("\nEstimated formation fractions:\n")
+ print(data.frame(ff = x$ff), digits=digits,...)
+ }
+ printSFORB <- !is.null(x$SFORB)
+ if(printSFORB){
+ cat("\nEstimated Eigenvalues of SFORB model(s):\n")
+ print(x$SFORB, digits=digits,...)
+ }
+ printcor <- !is.null(x$cov.unscaled)
+ if (printcor){
+ Corr <- cov2cor(x$cov.unscaled)
+ rownames(Corr) <- colnames(Corr) <- rownames(x$par)
+ cat("\nParameter correlation:\n")
+ print(Corr, digits = digits, ...)
+ }
+ printdata <- !is.null(x$data)
+ if (printdata){
+ cat("\nData:\n")
+ print(format(x$data, digits = digits, scientific = FALSE,...), row.names = FALSE)
+ }
+ if(!is.null(x$additionalstats)){
+ cat("\nAdditional Stats:\n");
+ print(x$additionalstats, digits=digits, ...)
+ }
+ if(!(is.null(x$penalties) || 0 == dim(x$penalties)[[1]])){
+ cat("\nPenalties:\n");
+ print(x$penalties, digits=digits, row.names = FALSE, ...)
+ }
+ if ( !is.null(x$seed) ) {
+ cat("\nRandom Seed:", x$seed, "\n")
+ }
+ invisible(x)

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