#' Download FOCUS PELMO from the official site and unzip into the package installation directory
#' @importFrom clipr write_clip
#' @importFrom utils download.file unzip
#' @param version The FOCUS PELMO version to install
#' @param local_zip Do not download, but use the local zip archive specified here
#' @export
install_PELMO <- function(version = "5.5.3", local_zip = NULL) {
pkg_dir <- system.file(package = "PELMO.installeR")
setup_dir <- file.path(pkg_dir, paste0("PELMO_", gsub("\\.", "", version), "_setup"))
if (!dir.exists(setup_dir)) dir.create(setup_dir)
if (is.null(local_zip)) {
PELMO_file <- paste0("FOCUS_PELMO_", gsub("\\.", "_", version), ".zip")
PELMO_url <- paste0("http://esdac.jrc.ec.europa.eu/public_path/projects_data/focus/gw/software/",
PELMO_zip <- tempfile(fileext=".zip")
download.file(PELMO_url, PELMO_zip)
} else {
if (file.exists(local_zip)) {
PELMO_zip <- local_zip
} else {
stop(local_zip, " does not exist")
unzip(PELMO_zip, exdir = setup_dir, junkpaths = TRUE)
oldwd <- setwd(setup_dir)
message("The FOCUS PELMO installer will now start.")
message("Please select the following directory in the installation process:")
PELMO_dest_dir <- paste0("Z:", gsub("/", "\\\\", pkg_dir),
"\\FOCUSPELMO.", gsub("\\.", "", version))
message("This is now being pasted to the system clipboard")
system("wine setup.exe")