path: root/man/loq.Rd
blob: 4850487de19341ed937c2c468c94177d219cff3f (plain) (tree)





\title{Estimate a limit of quantification (LOQ)}
  loq(object, \dots, alpha = 0.05, k = 3, n = 1, w = "auto")
    A univariate model object of class \code{\link{lm}} or 
    with model formula \code{y ~ x} or \code{y ~ x - 1}, 
    optionally from a weighted regression.
    The error tolerance for the prediction of x values in the calculation.
    Placeholder for further arguments that might be needed by 
    future implementations.
    The inverse of the maximum relative error tolerated at the
    desired LOQ.
    The number of replicate measurements for which the LOQ should be
    The weight that should be attributed to the LOQ. Defaults
    to one for unweighted regression, and to the mean of the weights
    for weighted regression. See \code{\link{massart97ex3}} for 
    an example how to take advantage of knowledge about the 
    variance function.
  The estimated limit of quantification for a model used for calibration.
  A useful operationalisation of a limit of quantification is simply the
  solution of the equation
    \deqn{L = k c(L)}{L = k * c(L)}
  where c(L) is half of the length of the confidence interval at the limit L as
  estimated by \code{\link{inverse.predict}}. By virtue of this formula, the 
  limit of detection is the x value, where the relative error
  of the quantification with the given calibration model is 1/k.
  IUPAC recommends to base the LOQ on the standard deviation of the
  signal where x = 0. The approach taken here is to my knowledge
  original to the chemCal package.
  m0 <- lm(y ~ x)

  # Now we use a weighted regression
  yx <- split(y,factor(x))
  s <- round(sapply(yx,sd),digits=2)
  w <- round(1/(s^2),digits=3)
  weights <- w[factor(x)]
  mw <- lm(y ~ x,w=weights)

  # In order to define the weight at the loq, we can use
  # the variance function 1/y for the model
  mwy <- lm(y ~ x, w = 1/y)

  # Let's do this with one iteration only
  loq(mwy, w = 1 / predict(mwy,list(x = loq(mwy)$x)))

  # We can get better by doing replicate measurements
  loq(mwy, n = 3, w = 1 / predict(mwy,list(x = loq(mwy)$x)))

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