diff options
authorJohannes Ranke <>2015-09-11 10:04:54 +0200
committerJohannes Ranke <>2015-09-11 10:05:58 +0200
commit1df33dbb3d310f94ccddbf57906e12bd6fa93c3f (patch)
parent7cc5df2ad1e2a1aa5c6d4d9f5865491c6b30ee2a (diff)
Working version with basic functionality
11 files changed, 232 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 5a1734e..ee3afc4 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-commit 11bf23fcf72ec7c537c67786fb377635ab3d3932
+commit 7cc5df2ad1e2a1aa5c6d4d9f5865491c6b30ee2a
Author: Johannes Ranke <>
Date: 2015-08-26 13:24:57 +0200
index c86a2ea..4a650e0 100644
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
Package: chents
Type: Package
Title: Chemical Entities as R Objects
-Version: 0.1-1.9000
-Date: 2015-08-26
+Version: 0.1-2
+Date: 2015-09-11
Authors@R: c(person("Johannes", "Ranke", role = c("aut", "cre", "cph"),
email = ""))
Description: Utilities for dealing with chemical entities and associated data as R objects.
diff --git a/GNUmakefile b/GNUmakefile
index 482ec37..5e8e5c1 100644
--- a/GNUmakefile
+++ b/GNUmakefile
@@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ clean:
@echo "Roxygenizing package..."
- "$(R_HOME)/bin/Rscript" -e 'library(devtools); document(".")' 2>&1 | tee roxygen.log
+ "$(R_HOME)/bin/Rscript" -e 'library(devtools); document(".")'
@echo "DONE."
$(TGZ): $(pkgfiles)
sed -i -e "s/Date:.*/Date: $(DATE)/" DESCRIPTION
@echo "Roxygenizing package..."
- "$(R_HOME)/bin/Rscript" -e 'library(devtools); document(".")' 2>&1 | tee roxygen.log
+ "$(R_HOME)/bin/Rscript" -e 'library(devtools); document(".")'
@echo "Building package..."
git log --no-merges -M --date=iso > ChangeLog
"$(R_HOME)/bin/R" CMD build .
index 4cdb514..e96d4f7 100644
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
# Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.1): do not edit by hand
diff --git a/R/chent.R b/R/chent.R
index 90e3baf..1ef26be 100644
--- a/R/chent.R
+++ b/R/chent.R
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
#' @field smiles SMILES code, with attribute 'source'
#' @field mw Molecular weight, with attribute 'source'
#' @field pubchem List of information retreived from PubChem
+#' @field rdkit List of information obtained with RDKit
#' @example inst/examples/chents.R
#' @keywords data
@@ -40,20 +41,31 @@ chent <- R6Class("chent",
smiles = NULL,
mw = NULL,
pubchem = NULL,
- initialize = function(identifier, type = c("name", "smiles"),
- source = c("pubchem")) {
+ rdkit = NULL,
+ initialize = function(identifier, smiles = NULL,
+ source = c("rdkit", "pubchem")) {
self$identifier <- identifier
- type = match.arg(type)
- attr(self$identifier, "type") <- type
- source = match.arg(source)
+ names(self$identifier) <- make.names(identifier)
+ source = match.arg(source)
pubchem = {
+ },
+ rdkit = {
+ if (is.null(smiles)) {
+ stop("rdkit needs smiles as input")
+ } else {
+ self$smiles <- smiles
+ self$get_rdkit()
+ self$mw <- self$rdkit$mw
+ attr(self$mw, "source") <- "rdkit"
+ }
try_pubchem = function(identifier) {
+ if (missing(identifier)) identifier <- self$identifier
pubchem_cids = webchem::get_cid(identifier)
if ([1])) {
@@ -83,19 +95,94 @@ chent <- R6Class("chent",
- show = function() {
- cat("<chent> built using $identifier", self$identifier, "\n")
- cat ("InChI Key $inchikey", self$inchikey, "\n")
- cat ("SMILES string $smiles", self$smiles, "\n")
- if (!is.null(self$mw)) cat ("Molecular weight $mw:", round(self$mw, 1), "\n")
- if (!is.null(self$pubchem)) {
- cat ("PubChem synonyms (first 10):\n")
- print(head(self$pubchem$synonyms, n = 10L))
+ get_rdkit = function() {
+ if (require(PythonInR)) {
+ id <- names(self$identifier)
+ try_rdkit <- try(pyImport("Chem", from = "rdkit"))
+ if (inherits(try_rdkit, "try-error")) {
+ message("Could not import RDKit in Python session")
+ } else {
+ self$rdkit <- list()
+ pyImport("Descriptors", from = "rdkit.Chem")
+ pyExec(paste0("mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles('", self$smiles, "')"))
+ self$rdkit$mw <- pyExecg("mw = Descriptors.MolWt(mol)", "mw")
+ if (!is.null(self$mw)) {
+ if (round(self$rdkit$mw, 1) != round(self$mw, 1)) {
+ message("RDKit mw is ", self$rdkit$mw)
+ message("mw is ", self$mw)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ stop("rdkit not available as PythonInR is not installed")
+ }
+ },
+ TPs = list(),
+ add_TP = function(x, smiles = NULL) {
+ if (inherits(x, "chent")) {
+ id <- names(x$identifier)
+ chent <- x
+ } else {
+ id <- make.names(x)
+ chent <- chent$new(x, smiles)
+ self$TPs[[id]] <- chent
+ },
+ transformations = data.frame(study_type = character(0),
+ TP_identifier = character(0),
+ max_occurrence = numeric(0),
+ source = character(0),
+ pages = character(0),
+ stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
+ add_transformation = function(study_type, TP_identifier, max_occurrence,
+ comment = "", source = NA, pages = NA) {
+ TP_name = make.names(TP_identifier)
+ if (!inherits(self$TPs[[TP_name]], "chent")) {
+ stop(paste("Please add the TP", TP_identifier, "first using chent$add_TP()"))
+ }
+ TP_chent <- self$TPs[TP_name]
+ if (is.numeric(pages)) pages <- paste(pages, collapse = ", ")
+ cn <- colnames(self$transformations)
+ self$transformations <- rbind(self$transformations,
+ data.frame(study_type = study_type,
+ TP_identifier = TP_identifier,
+ max_occurrence = max_occurrence,
+ comment = comment,
+ source = source,
+ pages = pages))
+ },
+ soil_degradation_endpoints = data.frame(destination = character(0),
+ DT50 = numeric(0),
+ comment = character(0),
+ pages = character(0),
+ stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
+ add_soil_degradation_endpoints = function(destination, DT50 = NA,
+ comment = "", pages = NA) {
+ i <- nrow(self$soil_degradation_endpoints) + 1
+ self$soil_degradation_endpoints[i, c("destination", "comment", "pages")] <-
+ c(destination, comment, pages)
+ self$soil_degradation_endpoints[i, "DT50"] <- DT50
+#' Printing method for chent objects
+#' @param x The chent object to be printed
+#' @param ... Further arguments for compatibility with the S3 method
+#' @export
+print.chent = function(x, ...) {
+ cat("<chent>\n")
+ cat("Identifier $identifier", x$identifier, "\n")
+ cat ("InChI Key $inchikey", x$inchikey, "\n")
+ cat ("SMILES string $smiles", x$smiles, "\n")
+ if (!is.null(x$mw)) cat ("Molecular weight $mw:", round(x$mw, 1), "\n")
+ if (!is.null(x$pubchem)) {
+ cat ("PubChem synonyms (first 10):\n")
+ print(head(x$pubchem$synonyms, n = 10L))
+ }
#' An R6 class for pesticidal active ingredients and associated data
#' The class is initialised with an identifier which is generally an ISO common name.
@@ -118,6 +205,7 @@ pai <- R6Class("pai",
initialize = function(identifier, type = c("name", "smiles"),
source = c("alanwood", "pubchem")) {
self$identifier <- identifier
+ names(self$identifier) <- make.names(identifier)
type = match.arg(type)
attr(self$identifier, "type") <- type
source = match.arg(source)
@@ -137,17 +225,71 @@ pai <- R6Class("pai",
# Get additional information from PubChem
pubchem_cids = get_cid(identifier)
+ self$get_rdkit()
pubchem = {
+ self$get_rdkit()
+ }
+ )
+#' Printing method for pai objects (pesticidal active ingredients)
+#' @param x The chent object to be printed
+#' @param ... Further arguments for compatibility with the S3 method
+#' @export
+print.pai = function(x, ...) {
+ cat("<pai> with ISO common name $iso", x$iso, "\n")
+ print.chent(x)
+ if (length(x$TPs) > 0) {
+ cat("\nTransformation products:\n")
+ print(x$TPs)
+ }
+ if (nrow(x$transformations) > 0) {
+ cat("\nTransformations:\n")
+ print(x$transformations)
+ }
+#' R6 class for holding a product with at least one active ingredient
+#' An R6 class for holding information about a product with at least one active ingredient
+#' @docType class
+#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
+#' @export
+#' @format An \code{\link{R6Class}} generator object.
+#' @field name The name of the product
+#' @field ais A list of active ingredients
+#' @field concentrations The concentration of the ais
+#' @field concentration_units Defaults to g/L
+#' @keywords data
+pp <- R6Class("pp",
+ public <- list(
+ name = NULL,
+ ais = list(),
+ concentrations = NULL,
+ concentration_units = NULL,
+ density = NULL,
+ density_units = "g/L",
+ initialize = function(name, ..., concentrations, concentration_units = "g/L",
+ density = 1000, density_units = "g/L") {
+ self$name <- name
+ self$ais <- list(...)
+ self$concentrations <- concentrations
+ self$density <- density
+ self$density_units <- density_units
+ names(self$concentrations) <- names(self$ais)
+ self$concentration_units <- concentration_units
print = function() {
- cat("<pai> with ISO common name $iso", self$iso, "\n")
- super$show()
+ cat("<pp> named", self$name, "\n")
diff --git a/inst/examples/chents.R b/inst/examples/chents.R
index 7fb3286..0309e2b 100644
--- a/inst/examples/chents.R
+++ b/inst/examples/chents.R
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
-oct <- chent$new("1-octanol")
+oct <- chent$new("1-octanol", smiles = "CCCCCCCCO")
diff --git a/man/chent.Rd b/man/chent.Rd
index ed304f5..c42863d 100644
--- a/man/chent.Rd
+++ b/man/chent.Rd
@@ -24,9 +24,12 @@ from the internet.
\item{\code{mw}}{Molecular weight, with attribute 'source'}
\item{\code{pubchem}}{List of information retreived from PubChem}
+\item{\code{rdkit}}{List of information obtained with RDKit}
-oct <- chent$new("1-octanol")
+oct <- chent$new("1-octanol", smiles = "CCCCCCCCO")
diff --git a/man/pp.Rd b/man/pp.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5be85bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/pp.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.1): do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/chent.R
+\title{R6 class for holding a product with at least one active ingredient}
+\format{An \code{\link{R6Class}} generator object.}
+An R6 class for holding information about a product with at least one active ingredient
+\item{\code{name}}{The name of the product}
+\item{\code{ais}}{A list of active ingredients}
+\item{\code{concentrations}}{The concentration of the ais}
+\item{\code{concentration_units}}{Defaults to g/L}
diff --git a/man/print.chent.Rd b/man/print.chent.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56f04f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/print.chent.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.1): do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/chent.R
+\title{Printing method for chent objects}
+\method{print}{chent}(x, ...)
+\item{x}{The chent object to be printed}
+\item{...}{Further arguments for compatibility with the S3 method}
+Printing method for chent objects
diff --git a/man/print.pai.Rd b/man/print.pai.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7ee332
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/print.pai.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.1): do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/chent.R
+\title{Printing method for pai objects (pesticidal active ingredients)}
+\method{print}{pai}(x, ...)
+\item{x}{The chent object to be printed}
+\item{...}{Further arguments for compatibility with the S3 method}
+Printing method for pai objects (pesticidal active ingredients)
diff --git a/roxygen.log b/roxygen.log
index f691b87..0205542 100644
--- a/roxygen.log
+++ b/roxygen.log
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
Updating chents documentation
Loading chents
-Writing chent.Rd
-Writing pai.Rd
+Writing print.pai.Rd

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