path: root/inst/doc/drfit-Rnews.pdf
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2017-03-24Import version 0.6.7 from CRANJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2006-08-21New and hopefully final version of the drfit-Rnews article.ranke1-0/+0
2006-05-19This is now the officially accepted version of the article.ranke1-0/+0
2006-05-05- Fix of the drfit() function for the case that the calculationranke1-0/+0
2006-04-21Finally committed the version that was submitted to ranke1-0/+0
2006-03-06Added the drfit-package help page, a new sample data fileranke1-0/+0

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