path: root/tests/IM1xIPC81.Rout.save
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2009-10-11Update of the tests to new numerical values at the fourth digit, and new warn...ranke1-7/+7
2007-11-23- Releasable version for CRANranke1-1/+9
2007-10-01Make drfit compatible with R 2.6.0, checked with prerelease from todayranke1-11/+11
2007-03-29- Changed "µM" in all datasets to "microM", since non-Ascii charactersranke1-9/+9
2007-03-29Updated the test results and took out the data for ranke1-8/+8
2006-05-23Only print 5 digits in the tests, since I get some differencesranke1-20/+20
2006-05-08- Corrected the use of the par() function, so no ranke1-1/+1
2006-05-03Changed the way confidence intervals are being calculated. Nowranke1-18/+23
2006-04-28- Fixed the drplot function, so the graphics parameter ask is adequately setranke1-0/+75

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