BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
C_analyticalIgnore compiled filesJohannes Ranke4 years
devFix solution type "deSolve" for a special caseJohannes Ranke3 weeks
mainAdd coverage report to docsJohannes Ranke4 weeks
nlmixrUpdate static docsJohannes Ranke3 years
odeintrUse odeintr instead of ccSolve for compiling modelsJohannes Ranke10 years
stackoverflow_71340826Stripped down setup script to ease testingJohannes Ranke3 years
v1.2.9commit 531daa908f...Johannes Ranke4 weeks
v1.2.6commit 1ba14a7805...Johannes Ranke17 months
v1.2.5commit 9abab1e2d4...Johannes Ranke19 months
v1.2.4commit cf54ccca37...Johannes Ranke22 months
v1.2.3commit 57ca408fda...Johannes Ranke23 months
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2021-02-13Update for gmkin 0.6.12v1.0.2Johannes Ranke19-24/+43
2021-02-06Increase test tolerance for parameter comparisonsv1.0.1Johannes Ranke5-15/+18
2021-02-06Update static docsJohannes Ranke2-90/+91
2021-02-06Address issue revealed by additional tests on CRANJohannes Ranke5-18/+9
2021-02-04Documentation improvements, mainly fixing example codeJohannes Ranke42-217/+266
2021-02-04Update README.htmlJohannes Ranke1-40/+2
2021-02-03Prepare for v1.0.0v1.0.0Johannes Ranke199-3097/+4966
2021-01-25Update visual testsJohannes Ranke3-1895/+1895
2021-01-25Some more plotting improvementsJohannes Ranke3-8/+8
2021-01-25Change default ylab in plot.mkinfit, explicit ylab for plot.mmkinJohannes Ranke36-58/+62

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