path: root/man/anova.saem.mmkin.Rd
blob: 8f9cb241020db206743586c1ce1c4bfc11048fd5 (plain) (tree)

% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/anova.saem.mmkin.R
\title{Anova method for saem.mmkin objects}
  method = c("is", "lin", "gq"),
  test = FALSE,
  model.names = NULL
\item{object}{An \link{saem.mmkin} object}

\item{...}{further such objects}

\item{method}{Method for likelihood calculation: "is" (importance sampling),
"lin" (linear approximation), or "gq" (Gaussian quadrature). Passed
to \link[saemix:logLik]{saemix::logLik.SaemixObject}}

\item{test}{Should a likelihood ratio test be performed? If TRUE,
the alternative models are tested against the first model. Should
only be done for nested models.}

\item{model.names}{Optional character vector of model names}
an "anova" data frame; the traditional (S3) result of anova()
Anova method for saem.mmkin objects

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