path: root/R/parhist.R
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2022-10-28Rename parhist to parplot and make it genericJohannes Ranke1-99/+0
2022-10-17Fix selecting by log likelihood in parhistJohannes Ranke1-8/+21
2022-10-14Select best fit from multistart, use in parhistJohannes Ranke1-13/+29
2022-09-28Fix handling of multistart fits with failuresJohannes Ranke1-4/+4
2022-09-19Improve parhist and llhistJohannes Ranke1-20/+38
2022-09-16Improve multistart documentation, bugfixJohannes Ranke1-0/+52

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