path: root/tests/testthat/_snaps/multistart
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2025-02-13Improve legend in parplots of multistart objectsJohannes Ranke1-167/+172
2023-08-17Update tests without any openblas variantJohannes Ranke3-648/+647
2023-08-17Update platform specific tests on desktopJohannes Ranke3-647/+648
2023-08-04Mesotrione data and vignetteJohannes Ranke3-648/+647
2023-04-01Update tests on 5950xJohannes Ranke3-120/+120
2023-03-22Fix typo in mkinerrminJohannes Ranke3-120/+120
2022-12-06Some parplot improvementsJohannes Ranke2-89/+84
2022-11-18Move two saem fits from setup script to skipped testsJohannes Ranke1-0/+2502
2022-11-18Make mixed model test data permanent to ensure reproducibilityJohannes Ranke4-58/+62
2022-11-18Pass error.init to saemix_model, show in parplotJohannes Ranke2-0/+4
2022-11-14Automatic starting parameters for saem.mmkinJohannes Ranke2-137/+146
2022-10-28Rename parhist to parplot and make it genericJohannes Ranke4-1/+2
2022-10-26Reduced sfo model for multistart.saem.mkin testsJohannes Ranke2-28/+126
2022-10-26Remove kernel density estimate from llhistJohannes Ranke2-17/+81
2022-10-26Try to make multistart (more) reproducibleJohannes Ranke2-143/+138
2022-10-26Make multistart work with testthat scopesJohannes Ranke2-0/+257

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