path: root/R/EFSA_washoff_2017.R
blob: 450c12e6cbbcfeb8238b4e7d2749b90a6970a2d5 (plain) (tree)

#' Subset of EFSA crop washoff default values
#' @name EFSA_washoff_2017
#' @docType data
#' @source
#'   European Food Safety Authority (2017) EFSA guidance document for
#'   predicting environmental concentrations of active substances of plant
#'   protection products and transformation products of these active substances
#'   in soil. \emph{EFSA Journal} \bold{15}(10) 4982
#'   doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2017.4982
#' @format A matrix containing wash-off factors, currently only for some selected crops
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   # This is the code that was used to define the data
#'   bbch <- paste0(0:9, "x")
#'   crops <- c(
#'     "Beans (field + vegetable)",
#'     "Peas",
#'     "Summer oilseed rape", "Winter oilseed rape",
#'     "Tomatoes",
#'     "Spring cereals", "Winter cereals")
#'   EFSA_washoff_2017 <- matrix(NA, length(crops), length(bbch),
#'     dimnames = list(Crop = crops, BBCH = bbch))
#'   EFSA_washoff_2017["Beans (field + vegetable)", ] <-
#'     c(NA, 0.6, rep(0.75, 2), rep(0.8, 5), 0.35)
#'   EFSA_washoff_2017["Peas", ] <-
#'     c(NA, 0.4, rep(0.6, 2), rep(0.65, 5), 0.35)
#'   EFSA_washoff_2017["Summer oilseed rape", ] <-
#'     c(NA, 0.4, rep(0.5, 2), rep(0.6, 5), 0.5)
#'   EFSA_washoff_2017["Winter oilseed rape", ] <-
#'     c(NA, 0.1, rep(0.4, 2), rep(0.55, 5), 0.3)
#'   EFSA_washoff_2017["Tomatoes", ] <-
#'     c(NA, 0.55, rep(0.75, 2), rep(0.7, 5), 0.35)
#'   EFSA_washoff_2017["Spring cereals", ] <-
#'     c(NA, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5, rep(0.65, 3), rep(0.65, 2), 0.55)
#'   EFSA_washoff_2017["Winter cereals", ] <-
#'     c(NA, 0.1, 0.4, 0.6, rep(0.55, 3), rep(0.6, 2), 0.4)
#'   save(EFSA_washoff_2017,
#'     file = "../data/EFSA_washoff_2017.RData")
#' }
#' EFSA_washoff_2017

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