# pfm
The R package **pfm** provides some utilities for fate modelling, including
simple PEC calculation routines and some routines for
dealing with FOCUS pesticide fate modelling tools (currently only TOXSWA cwa
and out files), made available under the GNU public license.
## Installation
The easiest way to install the package is probably to use the
[r-universe repo](https://jranke.r-universe.dev/pfm):
repos = c("https://jranke.r-universe.dev", "https://cran.r-project.org"))
The packages at R-universe are provided with a slight delay. Alternatively, you
can install the package directly from github, e.g. by using
# install.packages("pak")
## Use
Please refer to the [reference](http://pkgdown.jrwb.de/pfm/reference/index.html).
## Examples
One nice example of the usage of this package is the visualisation
of a time weighted average for a sawtooth curve obtained from several overlays
of mkinfit predictions as shown [here](http://pkgdown.jrwb.de/pfm/reference/plot.one_box.html).
## Applications
Calculations of predicted environmental concentrations using this package have been used in some
publications by Agroscope.
<tr><td>Korkaric M, Lehto M, Poiger T, de Baan L, Mathis M, Ammann L, Hanke I, Balmer M, Blom JF (2023)
Risikoindikatoren für Pflanzenschutzmittel: weiterführende Analysen zur Berechnung.
Agroscope Science, 154, 1-48,
<a href='https://doi.org/10.34776/as154g'>doi:10.34776/as154g</a>
<tr><td>Korkaric M, Ammann L, Hanke I, Schneuwly J, Lehto M, Poiger T, de Baan L, Daniel O, Blom JF (2022)
Neue Pflanzenschutzmittel-Risikoindikatoren für die Schweiz.
Agrarforschung Schweiz 13, 1-10,
<a href='https://doi.org/10.34776/afs13-1'>doi:10.34776/afs13-1</a>
<tr><td>Korkaric M, Hanke I, Grossar D, Neuweiler R, Christ B, Wirth J, Hochstrasser M, Dubuis PH, Kuster T, Breitenmoser S, Egger B, Perren S, Schürch S, Aldrich A, Jeker L, Poiger T, Daniel O (2020) Datengrundlage und Kriterien für eine Einschränkung der PSM-Auswahl im ÖLN: Schutz der Oberflächengewässer, der Bienen und des Grundwassers (Metaboliten), sowie agronomische Folgen der Einschränkungen.
Agroscope Science, 106, 2020, 1-31.
<a href='https://doi.org/10.34776/as106g'>doi:10.34776/as106g</a>