path: root/inst/testdata/Pesticide_D.psm
blob: 8204f3cf707bb08fd1fdad9bd5b1ad4a6f5b0cee (plain) (tree)

Pesticide D, 1 day before emergence     <FOCUS DUMMY D>
 1    0    9    <number of locations absolute app/relative app>
026            <number of application location>
-01  00  01   1    0    0    0    0   <day month year app_rate app_depth frpex time>
-01  00  02   1    0    0    0    0   <day month year app_rate app_depth frpex time>
-01  00  03   1    0    0    0    0   <day month year app_rate app_depth frpex time>
-01  00  04   1    0    0    0    0   <day month year app_rate app_depth frpex time>
-01  00  05   1    0    0    0    0   <day month year app_rate app_depth frpex time>
-01  00  06   1    0    0    0    0   <day month year app_rate app_depth frpex time>
-01  00  07   1    0    0    0    0   <day month year app_rate app_depth frpex time>
-01  00  08   1    0    0    0    0   <day month year app_rate app_depth frpex time>
-01  00  09   1    0    0    0    0   <day month year app_rate app_depth frpex time>
-01  00  10   1    0    0    0    0   <day month year app_rate app_depth frpex time>
-01  00  11   1    0    0    0    0   <day month year app_rate app_depth frpex time>
-01  00  12   1    0    0    0    0   <day month year app_rate app_depth frpex time>
-01  00  13   1    0    0    0    0   <day month year app_rate app_depth frpex time>
-01  00  14   1    0    0    0    0   <day month year app_rate app_depth frpex time>
-01  00  15   1    0    0    0    0   <day month year app_rate app_depth frpex time>
-01  00  16   1    0    0    0    0   <day month year app_rate app_depth frpex time>
-01  00  17   1    0    0    0    0   <day month year app_rate app_depth frpex time>
-01  00  18   1    0    0    0    0   <day month year app_rate app_depth frpex time>
-01  00  19   1    0    0    0    0   <day month year app_rate app_depth frpex time>
-01  00  20   1    0    0    0    0   <day month year app_rate app_depth frpex time>
-01  00  21   1    0    0    0    0   <day month year app_rate app_depth frpex time>
-01  00  22   1    0    0    0    0   <day month year app_rate app_depth frpex time>
-01  00  23   1    0    0    0    0   <day month year app_rate app_depth frpex time>
-01  00  24   1    0    0    0    0   <day month year app_rate app_depth frpex time>
-01  00  25   1    0    0    0    0   <day month year app_rate app_depth frpex time>
-01  00  26   1    0    0    0    0   <day month year app_rate app_depth frpex time>
 1    <pesticide appl. flag: 1=soil 2 =linear 3=exp. foliar 4=manually
 1   1   <henry(0=direct 1=calc.)  kd_flag(0=direct 1=calc.)>
<henry       solub.      molmass   diff air    depth volat.  Hv        Temperature>
  3.33E-04   90    300     1.00E-04   0.0498    0.1    98400    20 
  6.67E-10   180    300     4.00E-04   0.0498    0.1    98400    30 
 0.5      <plant uptake factor
<degrate    degtemp     q10         moist-abs   moist-rel   moist-exp   rel deg neq sites
  0.00E+00   0           0           0           0           0         0        <Met A1>
  0.00E+00   20          2           19          0           0         0        <Met B1>
  0.00E+00   20          2           19          0           0         0        <Met C1>
  0.00E+00   20          2           19          0           0         0        <Met D1>
 0.0346570   20          2.2         0           100         0.7       0        <BR/CO2>
 0                 <0 = degradation according to degradation factors, 1 = constant with depth,2 individual,3 = degradation according to degradation factors, 4 = constant with depth,5 individual, >2 deg in liquid phase only)
<rate 1/n>  <I_Ref W/mē>
 0   500  0   0  0   0  0   0  0   0 
<Koc-value    Fr.exp.Koc  pH          pKa     limit for Freundl.  ann.incr.> <k_doc> <% change> KOC2      pH2 f_neq       kdes>
 60          0.9        -99          20          0                0      0     1    -99    -99     0     0 
<Kd          Fr.exp.     Met A1   Met B1   Met C1   Met D1   BR/CO2 >

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