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<h1>R6 class for holding TOXSWA cwa concentration data and associated statistics</h1>
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<div class="Format">
<p>An <code><a href=''>R6Class</a></code> generator object.</p>
<div class="Description">
<p>An R6 class for holding TOXSWA cwa concentration data and some associated statistics.
Usually, an instance of this class will be generated by <code><a href='read.TOXSWA_cwa.html'>read.TOXSWA_cwa</a></code>.</p>
<div class="Fields">
<dt><code>filename</code></dt><dd>Length one character vector.</dd></p>
<p><dt><code>basedir</code></dt><dd>Length one character vector.</dd></p>
<p><dt><code>segment</code></dt><dd>Length one integer, specifying for which segment the cwa data were read.</dd></p>
<p><dt><code>cwas</code></dt><dd>Dataframe holding the concentrations.</dd></p>
<p><dt><code>events</code></dt><dd>List of dataframes holding the event statistics for each threshold.</dd></p>
<p><dt><code>windows</code></dt><dd>Matrix of maximum time weighted average concentrations (TWAC_max)
and areas under the curve in µg/day * h (AUC_max_h) or µg/day * d (AUC_max_d)
for the requested moving window sizes in days.</dd></p>
<div class="Methods">
<dt><code>get_events(threshold, total = FALSE)</code></dt><dd>
Populate a datataframe with event information for the specified threshold value
in µg/L. If <code>total = TRUE</code>, the total concentration including the amount
adsorbed to suspended matter will be used. The resulting dataframe is stored in the
<code>events</code> field of the object.
<p><dt><code>moving_windows(windows, total = FALSE)</code></dt><dd>
Add to the <code>windows</code> field described above.
Again, if <code>total = TRUE</code>, the total concentration including the amount
adsorbed to suspended matter will be used.
<h2 id="examples">Examples</h2>
<pre class="examples"><div class='input'>H_sw_R1_stream <- read.TOXSWA_cwa("00003s_pa.cwa",
basedir = "SwashProjects/project_H_sw/TOXSWA",
zipfile = system.file("testdata/",
package = "pfm"))
H_sw_R1_stream$get_events(c(2, 10))
H_sw_R1_stream$moving_windows(c(7, 21))
<div class='output'><TOXSWA_cwa> data from file 00003s_pa.cwa segment 20
datetime t t_firstjan t_rel_to_max cwa_mug_per_L
20 1978-10-01 00:00:00 0.000 273.0000 -55.333 0
40 1978-10-01 01:00:00 0.042 273.0417 -55.291 0
60 1978-10-01 02:00:00 0.083 273.0833 -55.250 0
80 1978-10-01 03:00:00 0.125 273.1250 -55.208 0
100 1978-10-01 04:00:00 0.167 273.1667 -55.166 0
120 1978-10-01 05:00:00 0.208 273.2083 -55.125 0
20 0
40 0
60 0
80 0
100 0
120 0
Moving window analysis
window max_TWAC max_AUC_h max_AUC_d
1 7 days 2.3926551 401.9660 16.74859
2 21 days 0.8369248 421.8101 17.57542
Event statistics for threshold 2
t_start cwa_max duration pre_interval AUC_h AUC_d
1 44.375 4.167238 0.208 44.375 17.77202 0.740501
2 55.042 40.584010 0.583 10.459 398.21189 16.592162
Event statistics for threshold 10
t_start cwa_max duration pre_interval AUC_h AUC_d
1 55.083 40.58401 0.459 55.083 379.433 15.80971
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