path: root/pkg/inst/testdata/SwashProjects/project_H_sw/TOXSWA/00002d_pa.sum
blob: a987f0f4c613df967589d449c82709f11a6cb4db (plain) (tree)

* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* ######   ####   ##   ##   ####  ##     ##   ####     FOCUS_TOXSWA v3.3.1
*   ##    ##  ##   ## ##   ##     ##     ##  ##  ##       TOXSWA v2.1.3-F3
*   ##    ##  ##    ###    #####  ## ### ##  ##  ##            28-Apr-2009
*   ##    ##  ##   ## ##      ##  #### ####  ######      
*   ##     ####   ##   ##  ####    ##   ##   ##  ##      Copyright Alterra
* Compiled with:VisualFortran v6.6.0.    
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* T O X i c   S u b s t a n c e s   i n   S u r f a c e   W A t e r s
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Alterra, Wageningen UR                         http://www.alterra.wur.nl
* PO Box 47
* 6700 AA Wageningen
* The Netherlands
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* TOXSWA simulation: 17-Dec-2014-12:44:31
* Working Directory: C:\SwashProjects\project_H_sw\toxswa                                            
* Run ID           : 00002d_pa
* File name        : 00002d_pa.sum

* Input files and selected output files : 00002d_pa.txw
* Run warnings and errors               : 00002d_pa.err
* Summary of input and output           : 00002d_pa.sum

 Project                : project_H_sw             
 Substance              : H_sw                
 Location               : D6 (Meteo station: Thiva)          
 Type of flow           : variable
 Type of water body     : watercourse (ditch / small stream)   
 Simulation period      : 01-Jan-1986  to  01-May-1987
 Time step output (h)   :  1        (except hydrology output)
 Calculation based on   : hourly drainage or runoff/erosion data 

 Entry routes    Occurring   Entry stretch water body (m)   Simulated by
 Spray drift        yes           0.00 -   100.00
 Drainage           yes           0.00 -   100.00           MACRO
 Runoff+Erosion      no

 Run comments : FOCUS Run                                                                       

 Main physico-chemical properties for substance : H_sw                

 Molar mass (g.mol-1)           :    300.0
 Saturated vapour pressure (Pa) : 0.100E-06  measured at (°C) : 20.0
 Water solubility (mg.L-1)      : 0.100E+01  measured at (°C) : 20.0
 Half-life in water (d)         :    100.00  measured at (°C) : 20.0
 Half-life in sediment (d)      :    300.00  measured at (°C) : 20.0
 Kom susp.solids (coef. for sorption on organic matter) (L.kg-1) :      58.00
 Freundlich exponent (-)                                         :       1.00
 Kom sediment (coef. for sorption on organic matter)    (L.kg-1) :      58.00
 Freundlich exponent (-)                                         :       1.00
 Kmp (coef. for sorption on macrophytes-dry weight)     (L.kg-1) :       0.00

 Summary of water body system properties

 Water layer
 Bottom width*length (m)                     :  1.00 *   100.00
 Side slope (hor:vert)                       :    0.00001:1
 Macrophytes (g dry weight.m-2 bottom)       :    0.0
 Suspended solids (mg.L-1)                   :   15.0

 Selected top layer of sediment
 Sediment depth (m)                          :    0.050
 Average bulk density (kg.m-3)               :  800.0
 Average porosity (-)                        :    0.60
 Average mass ratio org. matter dry sed. (-) :    0.09

 Application pattern and deposition by drift on water surface

 Number of applications                            :  1

 Appl.No  Date/Hour         Mass (g ai.ha-1)   Areic mean deposition (%)
  1    06-Dec-1986 09:00       1000.0                1.927

 Drainage or runoff entry route into surface water

 Catchment located upstream (ha)           :     2.0
 Ratio catchment applied area:total area   :    0.00
 Contributing margin along watercourse 
 for drainage or runoff (m)                :   100.0
 Contributing margin along watercourse 
 for erosion (m)                           :    20.0

 Maximum hourly fluxes and concentrations in drained water
 Water                    :    1.66 mm.h-1     (   166.5 L.'m-1.h-1)  19-Jan-1987 06:00
 Substance                :    0.16 mg.m-2.h-1 (    15.7 mg.'m-1.h-1) 19-Jan-1987 06:00
 Substance concentration  :  175.62 µg.L-1                            18-Dec-1986 02:00

 Maximum daily fluxes and concentrations in drained water
 Water                    :   22.14 mm.d-1     (  2214.1 L.'m-1.d-1)  20-Jan-1987      
 Substance                :    2.06 mg.m-2.d-1 (   205.8 mg.'m-1.d-1) 20-Jan-1987      
 Substance concentration  :  162.35 µg.L-1                            19-Dec-1986      

 Table: Monthly input of substance into water body

 Total mass (g) entered in water body

 Year  Month  Upstr.boundary  Drift dep.  Drainage
 1986    Jan      0.000        0.000        5.287
 1986    Feb      0.000        0.000       94.573
 1986    Mar      0.000        0.000        5.386
 1986    Apr      0.000        0.000        2.429
 1986    May      0.000        0.000        0.000
 1986    Jun      0.000        0.000        0.000
 1986    Jul      0.000        0.000        0.000
 1986    Aug      0.000        0.000        0.000
 1986    Sep      0.000        0.000        0.000
 1986    Oct      0.000        0.000        0.000
 1986    Nov      0.000        0.000        0.432
 1986    Dec      0.000        0.193       90.696
 1987    Jan      0.000        0.000       61.412
 1987    Feb      0.000        0.000       34.381
 1987    Mar      0.000        0.000       25.163
 1987    Apr      0.000        0.000        6.096

 Table: Water balance elements and temperature of the water body

 Key to table:
 Waflux   total water flux from adjacent plot (mm.m-2.month-1)
 Qoutmin  minimum monthly outflow (L.s-1)
 Qoutmax  maximum monthly outflow (L.s-1)
 Hmin     minimum water depth of the month (m)
 Hmax     maximum water depth of the month (m)
 Umin     minimum flow velocity of the month (m.d-1)
 Umax     maximum flow velocity of the month (m.d-1)
 Motau    monthly average hydraulic residence time (d)
 Temp     (constant) temperature of the month (°C)

 Year  Month  Waflux  Qoutmin  Qoutmax  Hmin  Hmax   Umin   Umax  Motau  Temp
 1986    Jan      12   0.0429      1.4  0.30  0.31     12    322    2.0  10.5
 1986    Feb     147   0.4004     13.2  0.30  0.36     98   2725    0.2  10.5
 1986    Mar      14   0.0802      0.6  0.30  0.31     21    150    1.8  12.1
 1986    Apr       6   0.0429      0.3  0.30  0.30     12     83    3.0  14.8
 1986    May       0   0.0429      0.0  0.30  0.30     12     12    8.1  19.0
 1986    Jun       0   0.0429      0.0  0.30  0.30     12     12    8.1  22.8
 1986    Jul       0   0.0429      0.0  0.30  0.30     12     12    8.1  23.9
 1986    Aug       0   0.0429      0.0  0.30  0.30     12     12    8.1  25.1
 1986    Sep       0   0.0429      0.0  0.30  0.30     12     12    8.1  22.4
 1986    Oct       0   0.0429      0.0  0.30  0.30     12     12    8.1  18.0
 1986    Nov       1   0.0429      0.1  0.30  0.30     12     23    6.2  12.8
 1986    Dec      89   0.0429      7.3  0.30  0.34     12   1606    0.3   9.4
 1987    Jan      90   0.3509     13.8  0.30  0.36     86   2841    0.3  11.1
 1987    Feb      53   0.1022      4.4  0.30  0.32     27    994    0.5  11.1
 1987    Mar      45   0.2178      1.5  0.30  0.31     55    353    0.6   8.7
 1987    Apr      11   0.0429      0.4  0.30  0.30     12    103    2.0  13.3

 Table: Monthly mass balance of the water layer

 Key to table:
 initial   mass initially present in water layer (g)
 cuinsl    mass entered via lateral loadings (g.month-1)
 cuinub    mass entered via upstream end (g.month-1)
 cuinwb    mass entered via sediment (g.month-1)
 cuouwb    mass penetrated into sediment (g.month-1)
 cuoueb    mass flowed out (at downstream end)(g.month-1)
 cuoufb    mass flowed out (at upstream end) (g.month-1)
 cutf      mass transformed (g.month-1)
 cuvol     mass volatilised (g.month-1)
 totmwl    mass remaining in water layer (g)

 initial:   0.000 g

 Year  Month   cuinsl   cuinub cuinwb  cuouwb   cuoueb  cuoufb    cutf   cuvol  totmwl
 1986    Jan    5.264    0.000  0.000  -0.017   -4.993   0.000  -0.003   0.000   0.251
 1986    Feb   94.577    0.000  0.001  -0.043  -94.498   0.000  -0.032   0.000   0.255
 1986    Mar    5.396    0.000  0.004  -0.002   -5.467   0.000  -0.020   0.000   0.166
 1986    Apr    2.436    0.000  0.017  -0.007   -2.595   0.000  -0.014   0.000   0.003
 1986    May    0.000    0.000  0.009   0.000   -0.011   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.001
 1986    Jun    0.000    0.000  0.004   0.000   -0.004   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000
 1986    Jul    0.000    0.000  0.002   0.000   -0.002   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000
 1986    Aug    0.000    0.000  0.002   0.000   -0.002   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000
 1986    Sep    0.000    0.000  0.001   0.000   -0.001   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000
 1986    Oct    0.000    0.000  0.001   0.000   -0.001   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000
 1986    Nov    0.432    0.000  0.000  -0.010   -0.342   0.000  -0.004   0.000   0.077
 1986    Dec   90.860    0.000  0.013  -0.074  -90.505   0.000  -0.031   0.000   0.340
 1987    Jan   61.427    0.000  0.003  -0.022  -61.422   0.000  -0.037   0.000   0.289
 1987    Feb   34.370    0.000  0.003  -0.021  -34.272   0.000  -0.030   0.000   0.340
 1987    Mar   25.172    0.000  0.000  -0.017  -25.146   0.000  -0.029   0.000   0.320
 1987    Apr    6.110    0.000  0.023  -0.003   -6.417   0.000  -0.024   0.000   0.010

 Table: Monthly mass balance of the top 0.050 m of the sediment layer

 Key to table:
 initial   mass initially present in sediment layer (g)
 cuiner    mass entered with eroded mass (g.month-1)
 cuinwl    mass penetrated from water layer (g.month-1)
 cuus      mass entered from sediment below (g.month-1)
 cuouwl    mass transported into the water layer (g.month-1)
 cuper     mass percolated to sediment below (g.month-1)
 cutf      mass transformed (g.month-1)
 totmwb    mass remaining in sediment layer (g)

 initial:   0.000 g

 Year  Month   cuiner  cuinwl    cuus  cuouwl   cuper    cutf  totmwb
 1986    Jan    0.000   0.017   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.017
 1986    Feb    0.000   0.043   0.000   0.001   0.000   0.001   0.057
 1986    Mar    0.000   0.002   0.000   0.004   0.000   0.002   0.053
 1986    Apr    0.000   0.007   0.000   0.017  -0.001   0.002   0.040
 1986    May    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.009  -0.002   0.002   0.027
 1986    Jun    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.004  -0.002   0.002   0.020
 1986    Jul    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.002  -0.001   0.002   0.014
 1986    Aug    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.002  -0.001   0.001   0.011
 1986    Sep    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.001   0.000   0.001   0.008
 1986    Oct    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.001   0.000   0.000   0.007
 1986    Nov    0.000   0.010   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.015
 1986    Dec    0.000   0.074   0.000   0.013   0.000   0.001   0.075
 1987    Jan    0.000   0.022   0.000   0.003   0.000   0.003   0.091
 1987    Feb    0.000   0.021   0.000   0.003  -0.001   0.003   0.104
 1987    Mar    0.000   0.017   0.000   0.000  -0.002   0.003   0.115
 1987    Apr    0.000   0.003   0.000   0.023  -0.003   0.004   0.088

 Tables: Maximum exposure concentrations in water layer

 In segment from    90.00 to   100.00 m in water body.
 (Actual concentrations PECsw as well as PECsed refer to
 momentary concentrations occurring 1, 2 etc days after
 the global maximum concentration.  Time Weighted Average
 Exposure Concentrations (TWAEC) have  been calculated for a
 moving time frame and have been  allocated to the last
 day of the period considered)

 Actual concentrations in water layer in µg.L-1

                   Concentration             Date          Daynr
 Global max            56.752          18-Dec-1986 06:00      352
 (incl. susp.sol       56.757)
 PECsw1                43.514          19-Dec-1986 06:00      353
 PECsw2                27.798          20-Dec-1986 06:00      354
 PECsw4                16.334          22-Dec-1986 06:00      356
 PECsw7                31.077          25-Dec-1986 06:00      359
 PECsw14               16.803          01-Jan-1987 06:00      366
 PECsw21               14.243          08-Jan-1987 06:00      373
 PECsw28               17.187          15-Jan-1987 06:00      380
 PECsw42               15.581          29-Jan-1987 06:00      394
 PECsw50               13.524          06-Feb-1987 06:00      402
 PECsw100              18.948          28-Mar-1987 06:00      452

 Maximum Time Weighted Averaged Exposure Concentrations
 in water layer in µg.L-1

                   Concentration             Date          Daynr
 TWAECsw1              54.165          18-Dec-1986 22:00      352
 TWAECsw2              48.129          19-Dec-1986 19:00      353
 TWAECsw4              36.734          26-Dec-1986 20:00      360
 TWAECsw7              34.411          24-Dec-1986 19:00      358
 TWAECsw14             30.005          31-Dec-1986 16:00      365
 TWAECsw21             25.045          07-Jan-1987 16:00      372
 TWAECsw28             22.599          14-Jan-1987 16:00      379
 TWAECsw42             21.581          28-Jan-1987 16:00      393
 TWAECsw50             20.483          05-Feb-1987 16:00      401
 TWAECsw100            18.272          27-Mar-1987 17:00      451

 Tables: Maximum exposure concentrations in sediment

 In the top  5.00 cm sediment located under 
 the water body segment from    90.00 to   100.00 m,
 expressed as µg substance per kg dry sediment.

 Actual concentrations in sediment in µg.kg-1 DW

                   Concentration             Date           Daynr
 Global max            41.472          09-Apr-1987 06:59      464
 PECsed1               41.455          10-Apr-1987 07:00      465
 PECsed2               41.410          11-Apr-1987 07:00      466
 PECsed4               41.181          13-Apr-1987 07:00      468
 PECsed7               40.475          16-Apr-1987 07:00      471
 PECsed14              36.913          23-Apr-1987 07:00      478
 PECsed21              32.086          30-Apr-1987 07:00      485
 simulated period too short for calculation of  PECsed28   
 simulated period too short for calculation of  PECsed42   
 simulated period too short for calculation of  PECsed50   
 simulated period too short for calculation of  PECsed100  

 Maximum Time Weighted Averaged Exposure Concentrations
 in sediment in µg.kg-1 DW

                   Concentration             Date           Daynr
 TWAECsed1             41.471          09-Apr-1987 18:00      464
 TWAECsed2             41.466          10-Apr-1987 08:00      465
 TWAECsed4             41.449          11-Apr-1987 10:00      466
 TWAECsed7             41.398          12-Apr-1987 22:00      467
 TWAECsed14            41.359          11-Apr-1987 12:00      466
 TWAECsed21            41.260          16-Apr-1987 01:00      471
 TWAECsed28            40.852          20-Apr-1987 03:00      475
 TWAECsed42            40.120          21-Apr-1987 09:00      476
 TWAECsed50            39.739          22-Apr-1987 13:00      477
 TWAECsed100           36.846          29-Apr-1987 19:00      484

 The run time was:    1 minutes and 28 seconds

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