context("Simple PEC surface water calculations with drift entry")
test_that("PEC_sw_drift gives the same results as the CRD PEC calculator", {
# One application of 30 g/ha to field crops calculated with UK PEC calculator published by CRD
expect_equal(round(PEC_sw_drift(30), 3),
c('1 m' = 0.277, '5 m' = 0.057, '10 m' = 0.029, '20 m' = 0.015))
# 7 applications of 30 g/ha to field crops calculated with UK PEC calculator, initial PEC
expect_equal(round(PEC_sw_drift(30, 7), 3),
c('1 m' = 0.161, '5 m' = 0.033, '10 m' = 0.017, '20 m' = 0.008))
# 4 applications of 30 g/ha to late fruit crops calculated with UK PEC
# calculator published by CRD. CRD uses different drift values from SANCO aquatic
# guidance), except for 50 m
pfm_30_4_obst_spaet <- round(PEC_sw_drift(30, 4, crop = "Obstbau spaet",
distances = c(3, 20, 50)), 3)
crd_30_4_obst_spaet <- c('3 m' = 1.101, '20 m' = 0.080, '50 m' = 0.013)
expect_equal(pfm_30_4_obst_spaet[3], crd_30_4_obst_spaet[3])
test_that("The Rautmann formula is correctly implemented", {
pfm_jki <- PEC_sw_drift(100)
pfm_rf <- PEC_sw_drift(100, drift_data = "RF")
expect_equal(pfm_jki, pfm_rf, tolerance = 0.01)
expect_error(PEC_sw_drift(100, drift_data = "RF", applications = 2), "Rautmann formula not included")
expect_error(PEC_sw_drift(100, drift_data = "RF", applications = 1, crop = "Obstbau spaet"),
"Rautmann formula not included")