diff options
authorJohannes Ranke <>2016-02-04 12:21:02 +0100
committerJohannes Ranke <>2016-02-04 16:58:58 +0100
commit057ba40426d49e09c06db26fb7d4072741b4cb8d (patch)
parente7f8a0e82b24d28b74681dafc97f1cf8a4662b51 (diff)
Read cwa data from TOXSWA 4.4.2 .out files
2 files changed, 93 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/pkg/DESCRIPTION b/pkg/DESCRIPTION
index 7e6d064..1cc6817 100644
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
Package: pfm
Type: Package
Title: Utilities for Pesticide Fate Modelling
-Version: 0.3-1
-Date: 2015-12-27
+Version: 0.3-2
+Date: 2016-02-04
Authors@R: person("Johannes Ranke", email = "",
role = c("aut", "cre", "cph"))
Description: Utilities for simple calculations of predicted environmental
diff --git a/pkg/R/TOXSWA_cwa.R b/pkg/R/TOXSWA_cwa.R
index df7f627..46b1995 100644
--- a/pkg/R/TOXSWA_cwa.R
+++ b/pkg/R/TOXSWA_cwa.R
@@ -21,11 +21,15 @@
#' segment of a TOXSWA surface water body. Per default, the data for the last
#' segment are imported.
-#' @param filename The filename of the cwa file.
+#' @param filename The filename of the cwa file (TOXSWA 2.x.y or similar) or the
+#' out file (FOCUS TOXSWA 4, i.e. TOXSWA 4.4.2 or similar).
#' @param basedir The path to the directory where the cwa file resides.
#' @param zipfile Optional path to a zip file containing the cwa file.
#' @param segment The segment for which the data should be read. Either "last", or
#' the segment number.
+#' @param total Set this to TRUE in order to read total concentrations as well. This is
+#' only necessary for .out files as generated by TOXSWA 4.4.2 or similar, not for .cwa
+#' files. For .cwa files, the total concentration is always read as well.
#' @param windows Numeric vector of width of moving windows in days, for calculating
#' maximum time weighted average concentrations and areas under the curve.
#' @param thresholds Numeric vector of threshold concentrations in µg/L for
@@ -40,11 +44,11 @@
#' zipfile = system.file("testdata/",
#' package = "pfm"))
read.TOXSWA_cwa <- function(filename, basedir = ".", zipfile = NULL,
- segment = "last",
+ segment = "last", total = FALSE,
windows = NULL, thresholds = NULL)
if (!missing(filename)) {
- cwa <- TOXSWA_cwa$new(filename, basedir, zipfile)
+ cwa <- TOXSWA_cwa$new(filename, basedir, zipfile, total = total)
if (!is.null(windows[1])) cwa$moving_windows(windows)
if (!is.null(thresholds[1])) cwa$get_events(thresholds)
@@ -160,8 +164,8 @@ TOXSWA_cwa <- R6Class("TOXSWA_cwa",
segment = NULL,
cwas = NULL,
windows = NULL,
- events = NULL,
- initialize = function(filename, basedir, zipfile = NULL, segment = "last") {
+ events = list(),
+ initialize = function(filename, basedir, zipfile = NULL, segment = "last", total = FALSE) {
self$filename <- filename
self$basedir <- basedir
self$zipfile <- zipfile
@@ -170,42 +174,91 @@ TOXSWA_cwa <- R6Class("TOXSWA_cwa",
} else {
try(file_connection <- file(file.path(basedir, filename), "rt"))
- cwa_all_segments <- try(read.table(file_connection,
- sep = "", skip = 40,
- encoding = "UTF-8",
- colClasses = c("character", "numeric",
- "integer", rep("numeric", 5)),
- col.names = c("datetime", "t", "segment",
- "xcd", "cwa_tot", "cwa",
- "Xss", "Xmp")))
- if (is.null(zipfile)) close(file_connection) # only needed for files
- if (!inherits(cwa_all_segments, "try-error")) {
- available_segments = 1:max(cwa_all_segments$segment)
- if (segment == "last") segment = max(available_segments)
- if (!segment %in% available_segments) stop("Invalid segment specified")
- self$segment <- segment
- cwa <- subset(cwa_all_segments, segment == self$segment,
- c("datetime", "t", "segment", "cwa", "cwa_tot"))
- lct <- Sys.getlocale("LC_TIME"); Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", "C")
- cwa$datetime <- strptime(cwa$datetime, "%d-%b-%Y-%H:%M")
- Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", lct)
- startyear = format(cwa$datetime[1], "%Y")
- firstjan <- strptime(paste0(startyear, "-01-01"), "%Y-%m-%d")
- cwa$t_firstjan <- as.numeric(difftime(cwa$datetime,
- firstjan, units = "days"))
+ if (grepl(".cwa$", filename)) {
+ # cwa file from FOCUS TOXSWA 3 (TOXSWA 2.x.y)
+ cwa_all_segments <- try(read.table(file_connection,
+ sep = "", skip = 40,
+ encoding = "UTF-8",
+ colClasses = c("character", "numeric",
+ "integer", rep("numeric", 5)),
+ col.names = c("datetime", "t", "segment",
+ "xcd", "cwa_tot", "cwa",
+ "Xss", "Xmp")))
+ if (is.null(zipfile)) close(file_connection) # only needed for files
- t_max = cwa[which.max(cwa$cwa), "t"]
- cwa$t_rel_to_max = cwa$t - t_max
- cwa$cwa_mug_per_L <- cwa$cwa * 1000
- cwa$cwa_tot_mug_per_L <- cwa$cwa_tot * 1000
- self$cwas <- cwa[c("datetime", "t", "t_firstjan",
- "t_rel_to_max",
- "cwa_mug_per_L",
- "cwa_tot_mug_per_L")]
- self$events <- list()
+ if (!inherits(cwa_all_segments, "try-error")) {
+ available_segments = 1:max(cwa_all_segments$segment)
+ if (segment == "last") segment = max(available_segments)
+ if (!segment %in% available_segments) stop("Invalid segment specified")
+ self$segment <- segment
+ cwa <- subset(cwa_all_segments, segment == self$segment,
+ c("datetime", "t", "segment", "cwa", "cwa_tot"))
+ lct <- Sys.getlocale("LC_TIME"); Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", "C")
+ cwa$datetime <- strptime(cwa$datetime, "%d-%b-%Y-%H:%M")
+ Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", lct)
+ startyear = format(cwa$datetime[1], "%Y")
+ firstjan <- strptime(paste0(startyear, "-01-01"), "%Y-%m-%d")
+ cwa$t_firstjan <- as.numeric(difftime(cwa$datetime,
+ firstjan, units = "days"))
+ t_max = cwa[which.max(cwa$cwa), "t"]
+ cwa$t_rel_to_max = cwa$t - t_max
+ cwa$cwa_mug_per_L <- cwa$cwa * 1000
+ cwa$cwa_tot_mug_per_L <- cwa$cwa_tot * 1000
+ self$cwas <- cwa[c("datetime", "t", "t_firstjan",
+ "t_rel_to_max",
+ "cwa_mug_per_L",
+ "cwa_tot_mug_per_L")]
+ } else {
+ stop("Could not read ", filename)
+ }
} else {
- stop("Could not read ", filename)
+ # out file from FOCUS TOXSWA 4 (TOXSWA 4.4.2 or similar)
+ outfile <- try(readLines(file_connection))
+ if (is.null(zipfile)) {
+ close(file_connection) # only needed for files
+ }
+ if (inherits(outfile, "try-error")) {
+ stop("Could not read ", filename)
+ } else {
+ cwa_lines <- outfile[grep("ConLiqWatLay_", outfile)] # hourly concentrations
+ cwa_all_segments <- read.table(text = cwa_lines)
+ available_segments = 1:(ncol(cwa_all_segments) - 3)
+ if (segment == "last") segment = max(available_segments)
+ if (!segment %in% available_segments) stop("Invalid segment specified")
+ self$segment <- segment
+ cwa <- data.frame(
+ datetime = as.character(cwa_all_segments$V2),
+ t = cwa_all_segments$V1,
+ cwa = cwa_all_segments[[3 + segment]]
+ )
+ if (total) {
+ cwa_tot_lines <- outfile[grep("ConSysWatLay_", outfile)] # hourly total conc.
+ cwa_tot_all_segments <- read.table(text = cwa_lines)
+ cwa$cwa_tot = cwa_tot_all_segments[[3 + segment]]
+ }
+ lct <- Sys.getlocale("LC_TIME"); Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", "C")
+ cwa$datetime <- strptime(cwa$datetime, "%d-%b-%Y-%Hh%M")
+ Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", lct)
+ startyear = format(cwa$datetime[1], "%Y")
+ firstjan <- strptime(paste0(startyear, "-01-01"), "%Y-%m-%d")
+ cwa$t_firstjan <- as.numeric(difftime(cwa$datetime,
+ firstjan, units = "days"))
+ t_max = cwa[which.max(cwa$cwa), "t"]
+ cwa$t_rel_to_max = cwa$t - t_max
+ cwa$cwa_mug_per_L <- cwa$cwa * 1000
+ self$cwas <- cwa[c("datetime", "t", "t_firstjan",
+ "t_rel_to_max",
+ "cwa_mug_per_L")]
+ if (total) {
+ self$cwas$cwa_tot_mug_per_L <- cwa$cwa_tot * 1000
+ }
+ }
moving_windows = function(windows, total = FALSE) {

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