diff options
authorJohannes Ranke <>2015-09-10 16:18:17 +0200
committerJohannes Ranke <>2015-09-10 16:18:17 +0200
commit634d4a0a93882a3b2d3961abbdd33694fd93dcc6 (patch)
parent6156796699845eca57ae1b8515016deb14d445e6 (diff)
Add PEC soil for product with serveral ais
2 files changed, 6 insertions, 271 deletions
diff --git a/pkg/R/PEC_soil.R b/pkg/R/PEC_soil.R
index 73c7e42..3c3ae15 100644
--- a/pkg/R/PEC_soil.R
+++ b/pkg/R/PEC_soil.R
@@ -67,18 +67,19 @@ PEC_soil_product <- function(product, rate, rate_units = "L/ha", interception =
plateau_max = numeric(0), plateau_min = numeric(0),
long_term_max = numeric(0),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
for (ai_name in names(product$ais)) {
ai <- product$ais[[ai_name]]
ai_rate <- rate * product$concentrations[ai_name]
ini <- PEC_soil(ai_rate,
interception = interception, mixing_depth = mixing_depth,
bulk_density = bulk_density)
- results[ai_name, "compound"] <- ai$acronym
+ results[ai_name, "compound"] <- ai$identifier
results[ai_name, "initial"] <- ini
ini_tillage <- ini * mixing_depth / tillage_depth
DT50 <- subset(ai$soil_degradation_endpoints, destination == "PECsoil")$DT50
- if (length(DT50) > 1) stop("More than one PECsoil DT50 for", ai$acronym)
+ if (length(DT50) > 1) stop("More than one PECsoil DT50 for", ai_name)
if (length(DT50) > 0) {
if (! {
k <- log(2) / DT50
@@ -94,16 +95,16 @@ PEC_soil_product <- function(product, rate, rate_units = "L/ha", interception =
TP <- ai$TPs[[TP_name]]
max_occurrence = max(subset(ai$transformations,
grepl("soil", study_type) &
- acronym == TP$acronym, max_occurrence))
+ TP_identifier == TP$identifier, max_occurrence))
TP_rate <- ai_rate * TP$mw / ai$mw * max_occurrence
ini <- PEC_soil(TP_rate, interception = interception, mixing_depth = mixing_depth,
bulk_density = bulk_density)
- results[TP_name, "compound"] <- TP$acronym
+ results[TP_name, "compound"] <- TP$identifier
results[TP_name, "initial"] <- ini
ini_tillage <- ini * mixing_depth / tillage_depth
DT50 <- subset(TP$soil_degradation_endpoints, destination == "PECsoil")$DT50
- if (length(DT50) > 1) stop("More than one PECsoil DT50 for", TP$acronym)
+ if (length(DT50) > 1) stop("More than one PECsoil DT50 for", TP_name)
if (length(DT50) > 0) {
if (! {
k <- log(2) / DT50
diff --git a/pkg/R/pfm_chent.R b/pkg/R/pfm_chent.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 67037cb..0000000
--- a/pkg/R/pfm_chent.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2015 Johannes Ranke
-# Contact:
-# This file is part of the R package pfm
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-# version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-# details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this program. If not, see <>
-#' R6 class for holding a chemical entity
-#' An R6 class for holding information about a chemical entity that is useful
-#' for fate modelling
-#' @docType class
-#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
-#' @export
-#' @format An \code{\link{R6Class}} generator object
-#' @field acronym Acronym for local use
-#' @field smiles SMILES code
-#' @field mw Molecular weight
-#' @field main_source Main source of information
-#' @field transformations
-#' @field sorption_endpoints
-#' @examples
-#' atrazine <- pfm_chent("atrazine", smiles = "Clc1nc(nc(n1)NC(C)C)NCC", mw = 215.68)
-#' print(atrazine)
-#' @keywords data
-pfm_chent <- R6Class("pfm_chent",
- public <- list(
- acronym = NULL,
- smiles = NULL,
- mw = NULL,
- main_source = NULL,
- initialize = function(acronym, smiles = NULL, mw = NULL, main_source = NULL) {
- self$acronym <- acronym
- self$smiles <- smiles
- self$mw <- mw
- self$main_source <- main_source
- },
- p0 = data.frame(p0 = numeric(0), T = numeric(0),
- comment = character(0),
- source = character(0), pages = character(0),
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
- add_p0 = function(p0, T = 25, comment = "", source, pages = NA) {
- i <- nrow(self$p0) + 1
- self$p0[i, c("p0", "T")] <- c(p0, T)
- self$p0[i, c("comment", "pages")] <- c(comment, pages)
- if (!missing(source)) self$p0[i, "source"] <- source
- },
- cwsat = data.frame(cwsat = numeric(0), T = numeric(0),
- pH = numeric(0), comment = character(0),
- source = character(0), pages = character(0),
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
- add_cwsat = function(cwsat, T = NA, pH = NA, comment = "", source, pages = NA) {
- i <- nrow(self$cwsat) + 1
- self$cwsat[i, c("cwsat", "T", "pH")] <- c(cwsat, T, pH)
- self$cwsat[i, c("comment", "pages")] <- c(comment, pages)
- if (!missing(source)) self$cwsat[i, "source"] <- source
- },
- TPs = list(),
- add_TP = function(x, smiles = NULL, mw = NULL, main_source = NULL) {
- if (inherits(x, "pfm_chent")) {
- chent_name <- deparse(substitute(x))
- chent <- x
- } else {
- chent_name <- make.names(x)
- chent <- pfm_chent$new(x, smiles, mw, main_source)
- }
- self$TPs[[chent_name]] <- chent
- },
- transformations = data.frame(study_type = character(0),
- acronym = character(0),
- max_occurrence = numeric(0),
- source = character(0),
- pages = character(0),
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
- add_transformations = function(study_type, TPs, max_occurrence,
- comment = "", source, pages = NA) {
- TP_names = make.names(TPs)
- TP_is_chent = sapply(self$TPs[TP_names], function(x) inherits(x, "pfm_chent"))
- if (!all(TP_is_chent)) {
- stop(paste("Please add all TPs using pfm_chent$add_TP()", print(TP_is_chent)))
- }
- chents <- self$TPs[TP_names]
- if (missing(source)) source <- self$main_source
- if (is.numeric(pages)) pages <- paste(pages, collapse = ", ")
- transformations <- data.frame(study_type = study_type,
- acronym = sapply(chents, function(x) x$acronym),
- max_occurrence = max_occurrence,
- comment = comment,
- source = source,
- pages = pages,
- row.names = NULL,
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
- self$transformations <- rbind(self$transformations, transformations)
- },
- soil_degradation_endpoints = data.frame(destination = character(0),
- DT50 = numeric(0),
- comment = character(0),
- pages = character(0),
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
- add_soil_degradation_endpoints = function(destination, DT50 = NA,
- comment = "", pages = NA) {
- i <- nrow(self$soil_degradation_endpoints) + 1
- self$soil_degradation_endpoints[i, c("destination", "comment", "pages")] <-
- c(destination, comment, pages)
- self$soil_degradation_endpoints[i, "DT50"] <- DT50
- },
- ws_degradation_endpoints = data.frame(destination = character(0),
- DT50 = numeric(0),
- comment = character(0),
- tier = character(0),
- pages = character(0),
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
- add_ws_degradation_endpoints = function(destination, DT50 = NA, tier = NA,
- comment = "", pages = NA) {
- i <- nrow(self$ws_degradation_endpoints) + 1
- self$ws_degradation_endpoints[i, c("destination", "tier", "comment", "pages")] <-
- c(destination, tier, comment, pages)
- self$ws_degradation_endpoints[i, "DT50"] <- DT50
- },
- water_degradation_endpoints = data.frame(destination = character(0),
- DT50 = numeric(0),
- tier = character(0),
- comment = character(0),
- pages = character(0),
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
- add_water_degradation_endpoints = function(destination, DT50 = NA, tier = NA,
- comment = "", pages = NA) {
- i <- nrow(self$water_degradation_endpoints) + 1
- self$water_degradation_endpoints[i, c("destination", "tier", "comment", "pages")] <-
- c(destination, tier, comment, pages)
- self$water_degradation_endpoints[i, "DT50"] <- DT50
- },
- sediment_degradation_endpoints = data.frame(destination = character(0),
- DT50 = numeric(0),
- tier = character(0),
- comment = character(0),
- pages = character(0),
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
- add_sediment_degradation_endpoints = function(destination, DT50 = NA, tier = NA,
- comment = "", pages = NA) {
- i <- nrow(self$sediment_degradation_endpoints) + 1
- self$sediment_degradation_endpoints[i, c("destination", "tier", "comment", "pages")] <-
- c(destination, tier, comment, pages)
- self$sediment_degradation_endpoints[i, "DT50"] <- DT50
- },
- sorption_endpoints = data.frame(Kfoc = numeric(0), f1.n = numeric(0),
- type = character(0),
- comment = character(0),
- pages = character(0),
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
- add_sorption_endpoints = function(Kfoc, f1.n = 1, type = "arithmetic mean",
- comment = "", pages = NA) {
- i <- nrow(self$sorption_endpoints) + 1
- self$sorption_endpoints[i, c("Kfoc", "f1.n")] <- c(Kfoc, f1.n)
- self$sorption_endpoints[i, c("type", "comment", "pages")] <- c(type, comment, pages)
- },
- print = function(TPs = TRUE) {
- cat("<pfm_chent> with acronym", self$acronym, "\n")
- if (!is.null(self$smiles)) cat ("SMILES:", self$smiles, "\n")
- if (!is.null(self$mw)) cat ("Molecular weight:", round(self$mw, 1), "\n")
- if (!is.null(self$main_source)) cat ("Main source of information:", self$main_source, "\n")
- if (TPs) {
- if (length(self$TPs) > 0) {
- cat("\nTransformation products:\n")
- print(self$TPs)
- }
- if (nrow(self$transformations) > 0) {
- cat("\nTransformations:\n")
- print(self$transformations[order(self$transformations$study_type), ], row.names = FALSE)
- }
- }
- }
- )
-#' R6 class for holding active ingredients
-#' An R6 class for holding information about active ingredients
-#' @docType class
-#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
-#' @export
-#' @format An \code{\link{R6Class}} generator object.
-#' @field iso ISO common name
-#' @examples
-#' atrazine <- pfm_ai("atrazine", smiles = "Clc1nc(nc(n1)NC(C)C)NCC", mw = 215.68)
-#' print(atrazine)
-#' @keywords data
-pfm_ai <- R6Class("pfm_ai",
- inherit = pfm_chent,
- public <- list(
- iso = NULL,
- initialize = function(iso, acronym = iso, smiles = NULL, mw = NULL, main_source = NULL) {
- super$initialize(acronym = acronym, smiles = smiles, mw = mw, main_source = main_source)
- self$iso <- iso
- },
- ff = data.frame(from = character(0), to = character(0), ff = numeric(0),
- comment = character(0), pages = character(0),
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
- add_ff = function(from = "parent", to, ff = 1, comment = "", pages = NA) {
- i <- nrow(self$ff) + 1
- if (from != "parent") {
- if (!exists(from, self$TPs)) stop(from, " was not found in TPs")
- }
- if (!exists(to, self$TPs)) stop(to, " was not found in TPs")
- self$ff[i, ] <- c(from, to, ff, comment, pages)
- },
- print = function() {
- if (is.null(self$iso)) cat("<pfm_ai> with acronym", self$acronym, "\n")
- else cat("<pfm_ai> with ISO common name", self$iso, "\n")
- super$print()
- }
- )
-#' R6 class for holding a product with at least one active ingredient
-#' An R6 class for holding information about a product with at least one active ingredient
-#' @docType class
-#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
-#' @export
-#' @format An \code{\link{R6Class}} generator object.
-#' @field name The name of the product
-#' @field ais A list of active ingredients
-#' @field concentrations The concentration of the ais
-#' @field concentration_units Defaults to g/L
-#' @keywords data
-pfm_product <- R6Class("pfm_product",
- public <- list(
- name = NULL,
- ais = list(),
- concentrations = NULL,
- concentration_units = NULL,
- density = NULL,
- density_units = "g/L",
- initialize = function(name, ..., concentrations, concentration_units = "g/L",
- density = 1000, density_units = "g/L") {
- self$name <- name
- self$ais <- list(...)
- self$concentrations <- concentrations
- self$density <- density
- self$density_units <- density_units
- names(self$concentrations) <- names(self$ais)
- self$concentration_units <- concentration_units
- },
- print = function() {
- cat("<pfm_product> named", self$name, "\n")
- }
- )

Contact - Imprint