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authorJohannes Ranke <>2017-05-16 15:43:50 +0200
committerJohannes Ranke <>2017-05-16 15:43:50 +0200
commit36036b5901223591e7e21e8b73d8cd1fb034f4cb (patch)
treeed8e764778aa2e94b785263d18d7d8e3dfe4e785 /docs/reference/FOCUS_Step_12_scenarios.html
parentd042f8f06b313e8595087587455daac73d84f17b (diff)
Finish the Step 1 calculator including tests
Some cleaning up. PELMO facilities do not currently work at my end, as I have no working wine installation on this computer
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+ <div class="page-header">
+ <h1>Step 1/2 scenario data as distributed with the FOCUS Step 1/2 calculator</h1>
+ </div>
+ <p>The data were extracted from the scenario.txt file using the R code shown below.
+The text file is not included in the package as its licence is not clear.</p>
+ <h2 class="hasAnchor" id="format"><a class="anchor" href="#format"></a>Format</h2>
+ <p>A list containing the scenario names in a character vector called 'names',
+ the drift percentiles in a matrix called 'drift', interception percentages in
+ a matrix called 'interception' and the runoff/drainage percentages for Step 2
+ calculations in a matrix called 'rd'.</p>
+ <h2 class="hasAnchor" id="examples"><a class="anchor" href="#examples"></a>Examples</h2>
+ <pre class="examples"><div class='input'>
+<span class='fu'>not_run</span>({
+ <span class='co'># This is the code that was used to extract the data</span>
+ <span class='no'>scenario_path</span> <span class='kw'>&lt;-</span> <span class='st'>"inst/extdata/FOCUS_Step_12_scenarios.txt"</span>
+ <span class='no'>scenarios</span> <span class='kw'>&lt;-</span> <span class='fu'>readLines</span>(<span class='no'>scenario_path</span>)[<span class='fl'>9</span>:<span class='fl'>38</span>]
+ <span class='no'>FOCUS_Step_12_scenarios</span> <span class='kw'>&lt;-</span> <span class='fu'>list</span>()
+ <span class='no'>sce</span> <span class='kw'>&lt;-</span> <span class='fu'>read.table</span>(<span class='kw'>text</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='no'>scenarios</span>, <span class='kw'>sep</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='st'>"\t"</span>, <span class='kw'>header</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='fl'>TRUE</span>, <span class='kw'>check.names</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='fl'>FALSE</span>,
+ <span class='kw'>stringsAsFactors</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='fl'>FALSE</span>)
+ <span class='no'>FOCUS_Step_12_scenarios</span>$<span class='no'>names</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='no'>sce</span>$<span class='no'>Crop</span>
+ <span class='fu'>rownames</span>(<span class='no'>sce</span>) <span class='kw'>&lt;-</span> <span class='no'>sce</span>$<span class='no'>Crop</span>
+ <span class='no'>FOCUS_Step_12_scenarios</span>$<span class='no'>drift</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='no'>sce</span>[, <span class='fl'>3</span>:<span class='fl'>11</span>]
+ <span class='no'>FOCUS_Step_12_scenarios</span>$<span class='no'>interception</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='no'>sce</span>[, <span class='fl'>12</span>:<span class='fl'>15</span>]
+ <span class='no'>sce_2</span> <span class='kw'>&lt;-</span> <span class='fu'>readLines</span>(<span class='no'>scenario_path</span>)[<span class='fl'>41</span>:<span class='fl'>46</span>]
+ <span class='no'>rd</span> <span class='kw'>&lt;-</span> <span class='fu'>read.table</span>(<span class='kw'>text</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='no'>sce_2</span>, <span class='kw'>sep</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='st'>"\t"</span>)[<span class='fl'>1</span>:<span class='fl'>2</span>]
+ <span class='no'>rd_mat</span> <span class='kw'>&lt;-</span> <span class='fu'>matrix</span>(<span class='no'>rd</span>$<span class='no'>V2</span>, <span class='kw'>nrow</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='fl'>3</span>, <span class='kw'>byrow</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='fl'>FALSE</span>)
+ <span class='fu'>dimnames</span>(<span class='no'>rd_mat</span>) <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='fu'>list</span>(<span class='kw'>Time</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='fu'>c</span>(<span class='st'>"Oct-Feb"</span>, <span class='st'>"Mar-May"</span>, <span class='st'>"Jun-Sep"</span>),
+ <span class='kw'>Region</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='fu'>c</span>(<span class='st'>"North"</span>, <span class='st'>"South"</span>))
+ <span class='no'>FOCUS_Step_12_scenarios</span>$<span class='no'>rd</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='no'>rd_mat</span>
+ <span class='fu'>save</span>(<span class='no'>FOCUS_Step_12_scenarios</span>, <span class='kw'>file</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='st'>"data/FOCUS_Step_12_scenarios.RData"</span>)
+<span class='co'># And this is the resulting data</span>
+<span class='no'>FOCUS_Step_12_scenarios</span></div><div class='output co'>#&gt; $names
+#&gt; [1] "cereals, spring" "cereals, winter"
+#&gt; [3] "citrus" "cotton"
+#&gt; [5] "field beans" "grass / alfalfa"
+#&gt; [7] "hops" "legumes"
+#&gt; [9] "maize" "oil seed rape, spring"
+#&gt; [11] "oil seed rape, winter" "olives"
+#&gt; [13] "pome / stone fruit, early applns" "pome / stone fruit, late applns"
+#&gt; [15] "potatoes" "soybeans"
+#&gt; [17] "sugar beets" "sunflowers"
+#&gt; [19] "tobacco" "vegetables, bulb"
+#&gt; [21] "vegetables, fruiting" "vegetables, leafy"
+#&gt; [23] "vegetables, root" "vines, early applns"
+#&gt; [25] "vines, late applns" "appln, aerial"
+#&gt; [27] "appln, hand (crop &lt; 50 cm)" "appln, hand (crop &gt; 50 cm)"
+#&gt; [29] "no drift (incorp or seed trtmt)"
+#&gt; $drift
+#&gt; 1 2 3 4 5 6
+#&gt; cereals, spring 2.759 2.438 2.024 1.862 1.794 1.631
+#&gt; cereals, winter 2.759 2.438 2.024 1.862 1.794 1.631
+#&gt; citrus 15.725 12.129 11.011 10.124 9.743 9.204
+#&gt; cotton 2.759 2.438 2.024 1.862 1.794 1.631
+#&gt; field beans 2.759 2.438 2.024 1.862 1.794 1.631
+#&gt; grass / alfalfa 2.759 2.438 2.024 1.862 1.794 1.631
+#&gt; hops 19.326 17.723 15.928 15.378 15.114 14.902
+#&gt; legumes 2.759 2.438 2.024 1.862 1.794 1.631
+#&gt; maize 2.759 2.438 2.024 1.862 1.794 1.631
+#&gt; oil seed rape, spring 2.759 2.438 2.024 1.862 1.794 1.631
+#&gt; oil seed rape, winter 2.759 2.438 2.024 1.862 1.794 1.631
+#&gt; olives 15.725 12.129 11.011 10.124 9.743 9.204
+#&gt; pome / stone fruit, early applns 29.197 25.531 23.960 23.603 23.116 22.760
+#&gt; pome / stone fruit, late applns 15.725 12.129 11.011 10.124 9.743 9.204
+#&gt; potatoes 2.759 2.438 2.024 1.862 1.794 1.631
+#&gt; soybeans 2.759 2.438 2.024 1.862 1.794 1.631
+#&gt; sugar beets 2.759 2.438 2.024 1.862 1.794 1.631
+#&gt; sunflowers 2.759 2.438 2.024 1.862 1.794 1.631
+#&gt; tobacco 2.759 2.438 2.024 1.862 1.794 1.631
+#&gt; vegetables, bulb 2.759 2.438 2.024 1.862 1.794 1.631
+#&gt; vegetables, fruiting 2.759 2.438 2.024 1.862 1.794 1.631
+#&gt; vegetables, leafy 2.759 2.438 2.024 1.862 1.794 1.631
+#&gt; vegetables, root 2.759 2.438 2.024 1.862 1.794 1.631
+#&gt; vines, early applns 2.699 2.496 2.546 2.499 2.398 2.336
+#&gt; vines, late applns 8.028 7.119 6.898 6.631 6.636 6.431
+#&gt; appln, aerial 33.200 33.200 33.200 33.200 33.200 33.200
+#&gt; appln, hand (crop &lt; 50 cm) 2.759 2.438 2.024 1.862 1.794 1.631
+#&gt; appln, hand (crop &gt; 50 cm) 8.028 7.119 6.898 6.631 6.636 6.431
+#&gt; no drift (incorp or seed trtmt) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
+#&gt; 7 8 &gt;8
+#&gt; cereals, spring 1.578 1.512 1.512
+#&gt; cereals, winter 1.578 1.512 1.512
+#&gt; citrus 9.102 8.656 8.656
+#&gt; cotton 1.578 1.512 1.512
+#&gt; field beans 1.578 1.512 1.512
+#&gt; grass / alfalfa 1.578 1.512 1.512
+#&gt; hops 14.628 13.520 13.520
+#&gt; legumes 1.578 1.512 1.512
+#&gt; maize 1.578 1.512 1.512
+#&gt; oil seed rape, spring 1.578 1.512 1.512
+#&gt; oil seed rape, winter 1.578 1.512 1.512
+#&gt; olives 9.102 8.656 8.656
+#&gt; pome / stone fruit, early applns 22.690 22.241 22.241
+#&gt; pome / stone fruit, late applns 9.102 8.656 8.656
+#&gt; potatoes 1.578 1.512 1.512
+#&gt; soybeans 1.578 1.512 1.512
+#&gt; sugar beets 1.578 1.512 1.512
+#&gt; sunflowers 1.578 1.512 1.512
+#&gt; tobacco 1.578 1.512 1.512
+#&gt; vegetables, bulb 1.578 1.512 1.512
+#&gt; vegetables, fruiting 1.578 1.512 1.512
+#&gt; vegetables, leafy 1.578 1.512 1.512
+#&gt; vegetables, root 1.578 1.512 1.512
+#&gt; vines, early applns 2.283 2.265 2.265
+#&gt; vines, late applns 6.227 6.173 6.173
+#&gt; appln, aerial 33.200 33.200 33.200
+#&gt; appln, hand (crop &lt; 50 cm) 1.578 1.512 1.512
+#&gt; appln, hand (crop &gt; 50 cm) 6.227 6.173 6.173
+#&gt; no drift (incorp or seed trtmt) 0.000 0.000 0.000
+#&gt; $interception
+#&gt; no interception minimal crop cover
+#&gt; cereals, spring 0 0.00
+#&gt; cereals, winter 0 0.00
+#&gt; citrus 0 0.80
+#&gt; cotton 0 0.30
+#&gt; field beans 0 0.25
+#&gt; grass / alfalfa 0 0.40
+#&gt; hops 0 0.20
+#&gt; legumes 0 0.25
+#&gt; maize 0 0.25
+#&gt; oil seed rape, spring 0 0.40
+#&gt; oil seed rape, winter 0 0.40
+#&gt; olives 0 0.70
+#&gt; pome / stone fruit, early applns 0 0.20
+#&gt; pome / stone fruit, late applns 0 0.20
+#&gt; potatoes 0 0.15
+#&gt; soybeans 0 0.20
+#&gt; sugar beets 0 0.20
+#&gt; sunflowers 0 0.20
+#&gt; tobacco 0 0.20
+#&gt; vegetables, bulb 0 0.10
+#&gt; vegetables, fruiting 0 0.25
+#&gt; vegetables, leafy 0 0.25
+#&gt; vegetables, root 0 0.25
+#&gt; vines, early applns 0 0.40
+#&gt; vines, late applns 0 0.40
+#&gt; appln, aerial 0 0.20
+#&gt; appln, hand (crop &lt; 50 cm) 0 0.20
+#&gt; appln, hand (crop &gt; 50 cm) 0 0.20
+#&gt; no drift (incorp or seed trtmt) 0 0.00
+#&gt; average crop cover full canopy
+#&gt; cereals, spring 0.20 0.70
+#&gt; cereals, winter 0.20 0.70
+#&gt; citrus 0.80 0.80
+#&gt; cotton 0.60 0.75
+#&gt; field beans 0.40 0.70
+#&gt; grass / alfalfa 0.60 0.75
+#&gt; hops 0.50 0.70
+#&gt; legumes 0.50 0.70
+#&gt; maize 0.50 0.75
+#&gt; oil seed rape, spring 0.70 0.75
+#&gt; oil seed rape, winter 0.70 0.75
+#&gt; olives 0.70 0.70
+#&gt; pome / stone fruit, early applns 0.40 0.65
+#&gt; pome / stone fruit, late applns 0.40 0.65
+#&gt; potatoes 0.50 0.70
+#&gt; soybeans 0.50 0.75
+#&gt; sugar beets 0.70 0.75
+#&gt; sunflowers 0.50 0.75
+#&gt; tobacco 0.70 0.75
+#&gt; vegetables, bulb 0.25 0.40
+#&gt; vegetables, fruiting 0.50 0.70
+#&gt; vegetables, leafy 0.40 0.70
+#&gt; vegetables, root 0.50 0.70
+#&gt; vines, early applns 0.50 0.60
+#&gt; vines, late applns 0.50 0.60
+#&gt; appln, aerial 0.50 0.70
+#&gt; appln, hand (crop &lt; 50 cm) 0.50 0.70
+#&gt; appln, hand (crop &gt; 50 cm) 0.50 0.70
+#&gt; no drift (incorp or seed trtmt) 0.00 0.00
+#&gt; $rd
+#&gt; Region
+#&gt; Time North South
+#&gt; Oct-Feb 5 4
+#&gt; Mar-May 2 4
+#&gt; Jun-Sep 2 3
+#&gt; </div></pre>
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