path: root/man
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authorJohannes Ranke <>2020-07-23 10:51:39 +0200
committerJohannes Ranke <>2020-07-23 10:51:39 +0200
commit90fa42c86596c85168931148bf8d5fa014fa7794 (patch)
tree3545ec8a4842a3760c199e3d4999702f133c0c37 /man
parentdf70d80d9ef13b69e58de6f47b9041b6a021025e (diff)
Update docs, use R6 support of roxygen
Diffstat (limited to 'man')
1 files changed, 54 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/man/TOXSWA_cwa.Rd b/man/TOXSWA_cwa.Rd
index 6a95a0b..3daa1d0 100644
--- a/man/TOXSWA_cwa.Rd
+++ b/man/TOXSWA_cwa.Rd
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/TOXSWA_cwa.R
\title{R6 class for holding TOXSWA water concentration data and associated statistics}
@@ -8,26 +7,12 @@
An \code{\link{R6Class}} generator object.
-An R6 class for holding TOXSWA water concentration (cwa) data and some associated statistics.
-Usually, an instance of this class will be generated by \code{\link{read.TOXSWA_cwa}}.
+An R6 class for holding TOXSWA water concentration (cwa) data
+and some associated statistics. like maximum moving window average
+concentrations, and dataframes holding the events exceeding specified
+thresholds. Usually, an instance of this class will be generated
+by \code{\link{read.TOXSWA_cwa}}.
- \item{\code{get_events(threshold, total = FALSE)}}{
- Populate a datataframe with event information for the specified threshold value
- in µg/L. If \code{total = TRUE}, the total concentration including the amount
- adsorbed to suspended matter will be used. The resulting dataframe is stored in the
- \code{events} field of the object.
- }
- \item{\code{moving_windows(windows, total = FALSE)}}{
- Add to the \code{windows} field described above.
- Again, if \code{total = TRUE}, the total concentration including the amount
- adsorbed to suspended matter will be used.
- }
H_sw_R1_stream <- read.TOXSWA_cwa("00003s_pa.cwa",
basedir = "SwashProjects/project_H_sw/TOXSWA",
@@ -41,12 +26,16 @@ print(H_sw_R1_stream)
\section{Public fields}{
\if{html}{\out{<div class="r6-fields">}}
-\item{\code{filename}}{Length one character vector.}
+\item{\code{filename}}{Length one character vector holding the filename.}
+\item{\code{basedir}}{Length one character vector holding the directory where the file came from.}
-\item{\code{basedir}}{Length one character vector.}
+\item{\code{zipfile}}{If not null, giving the path to the zip file from which the file was read.}
\item{\code{segment}}{Length one integer, specifying for which segment the cwa data were read.}
+\item{\code{substance}}{The TOXSWA name of the substance.}
\item{\code{cwas}}{Dataframe holding the concentrations.}
\item{\code{events}}{List of dataframes holding the event statistics for each threshold.}
@@ -71,6 +60,7 @@ for the requested moving window sizes in days.}
\if{html}{\out{<a id="method-new"></a>}}
\subsection{Method \code{new()}}{
+Create a TOXSWA_cwa object from a file
\if{html}{\out{<div class="r">}}\preformatted{TOXSWA_cwa$new(
@@ -82,29 +72,71 @@ for the requested moving window sizes in days.}
+\if{html}{\out{<div class="arguments">}}
+\item{\code{filename}}{The filename}
+\item{\code{basedir}}{The directory to look in}
+\item{\code{zipfile}}{Optional path to a zipfile holding the file}
+\item{\code{segment}}{Either "last" or the number of the segment for which to read the data}
+\item{\code{substance}}{The TOXSWA substance name (for TOXSWA 4 or higher)}
+\item{\code{total}}{Should total concentrations be read in? If FALSE, free concentrations are read}
\if{html}{\out{<a id="method-moving_windows"></a>}}
\subsection{Method \code{moving_windows()}}{
+Add to the `windows` field described above.
\if{html}{\out{<div class="r">}}\preformatted{TOXSWA_cwa$moving_windows(windows, total = FALSE)}\if{html}{\out{</div>}}
+\if{html}{\out{<div class="arguments">}}
+\item{\code{windows}}{Window sizes in days}
+\item{\code{total}}{If TRUE, the total concentration including the amount adsorbed to
+suspended matter will be used.}
\if{html}{\out{<a id="method-get_events"></a>}}
\subsection{Method \code{get_events()}}{
+Populate a datataframe with event information for the specified
+threshold value. The resulting dataframe is stored in the `events`
+field of the object.
\if{html}{\out{<div class="r">}}\preformatted{TOXSWA_cwa$get_events(thresholds, total = FALSE)}\if{html}{\out{</div>}}
+\if{html}{\out{<div class="arguments">}}
+\item{\code{thresholds}}{Threshold values in µg/L.}
+\item{\code{total}}{If TRUE, the total concentration including the amount adsorbed to
+suspended matter will be used.}
\if{html}{\out{<a id="method-print"></a>}}
\subsection{Method \code{print()}}{
+Print a `TOXSWA_cwa` object
\if{html}{\out{<div class="r">}}\preformatted{TOXSWA_cwa$print()}\if{html}{\out{</div>}}

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